Related Documentation
This DSU RouteFinder Quick Start Guide is intended to be
used by qualified systems administrators and network
managers. This quick start guide provides the necessary
information for a qualified person to unpack, cable, load
software, and configure the unit for proper operation.
A detailed DSU RouteFinder User Guide is also provided with
your unit. The user guide provides in-depth information on the
features and functionality of Multi-Tech’s DSU RouteFinder.
The User Guide is provided in disk form and is also available
from our web site.
The disk version is produced using Adobe Acrobat. To view or
print your copy of a user guide, load Adobe Acrobat Reader on
your system. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from
Adobe’s Web site at:
Launch the Reader and open the .pdf file that is on the disk.
Viewing and printing a user guide from the web also requires
that you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader loaded on your
system. The DSU RouteFinder User Guide is also available on
Multi-Tech’s Web site at:
From the MTS home page, click Support | Manuals | DSU
RouteFinder and choose DSU RouteFinder to download the
.pdf file.