10. Click No to skip the upgrade process. The “Do you want to
download default setup?” dialog box appears.
11. Click Yes to download the default setup. (Clicking on No
prevents you from setting up the defaults and downloading
them to the DSU RouteFinder; instead, you are returned to the
program manager, where in Windows 95 you will see a window
with shortcut icons for all the various utility programs in the
12. The Novell IPX Protocol Default Setup dialog box appears.
Note: To configure your DSU RouteFinder, you now will use a
series of dialog boxes -- Novell IPX Protocol Default Setup,
IP Protocol Default Setup, and WAN Ports Default Setup.
13. If your network protocol is IPX, continue with the following
steps. However, if your network protocol is IP, click on the IPX
Routing Enable check box to
disable IPX, then click OK and
proceed to step 18.