Wireless Acceleration Sensor User Guide
Radio Config
The following table shows the radio config byte definition.
Available in firmware version 1.4 or newer.
Not used (reserved)
Enable duty cycle requirement.
LoRaWAN EU868 only
. To enforce the EU868 band duty cycle
requirements, enable before production deployment. Default is disabled. Available in firmware
2.2.1 or later.
Uplink retries.
LoRaWAN only
. The range for uplink retries is 1-8 for confirmed messages (ACK
required) and does not apply to unconfirmed messages. Default 0 (leave unchanged). Available in
firmware v1.4 and above.
Use unconfirmed messages.
LoRaWAN only
. If set to use the unconfirmed messages bit, the sensor
does not look for an ACK from the network server. Default is 1 (unconfirmed messages, no ACK
required). EU sensors can’t use confirmed messages, setting this bit to 0 on an EU device causes an
error. Available in firmware v1.4 and above.
Disable Adaptive Data Rate (ADR).
LoRaWAN only
. To enable ADR, set to 0. To disable ADR, set to
1. Default is 0 (enabled). Available in firmware v1.3 and above.
The duty cycle bit must be set for production deployments in the EU868 band.
Supervisory Period
The general configuration command’s supervisory period controls the time between supervisory messages as
defined in the following table.
Bit 7
Bits 6:0
Period defined in hours (1-127 hours). Available in firmware v1.3 and above.
Period defined in minutes (1-127 minutes) Available in firmware v1.3 and above.
For example, to receive a report every 4 hours, set Byte 1 to 0x04. To receive a periodic report every 15 minutes,
set Byte 1 to 0x8f.
Sampling Rate
Sampling rate controls the frequency at which devices wake from low power sleep mode to check the sensor state.
Some sensors require very little power to check the state and need to react quickly. Other sensors can be sampled
at a lower rate, such 30-second or 30-minute intervals. Increasing the time between samples increases battery life.
Refer to the Battery Estimator on the Radio Bridge site for battery life estimates relative to sampling rate:
A value of 0 in this field leaves the sampling rate at the current value. Use the following table to determine the
sampling rate if the value is not zero.
Sampling period only applies to sensors that take measurements like temperature and tilt, it does not
apply to sensors with binary inputs such as door/window sensors or push buttons.
This feature is available in firmware v2.0 and above.