Video Grabber DGR-1000 User Manual - v. 1.4 (FW 1.9)
The manufacturer is not responsible for any device defects resulting from non-compliance with the
device manual and its purpose.
This product has been designed for the specific use. This product cannot be used for other purposes,
including illegal ones
It is the buyer's responsibility to check whether a particular product with the properties described in
the manual is suitable for use in a specific case
The manufacturer reserves the right to update the information contained in the device's instruction
manual - the current manual can be obtained after contacting technical support via e-mail:
If the warranty for the device is given, it does not apply to the Software or Hardware which has not
been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with device manual.
To the extent permitted by law, neither manufacturer nor any of its employees, will not be liable in
any way for any loss, damage, lost benefits, cost or expenses suffered by buyer, associated with
improper use of the device
Manufacturer does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to purchasers of the device any patent rights,
licenses, or any other Intellectual Property rights, unless it is reserved in a separate written
The buyer cannot copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create
derivative works, transfer or sell any information about device and it’s documentation without
concluding a separate written agreement with manufacturer