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Part Number 020006402 12/2014
Air Compressor Kits
BeeoItsreo Uair
Aio CpImoesspo
Mpuariag Chtaael
Mpuariag rhe Aio CpImoesspo parp
rhe BeeoItsreo™ Uair
Popceduoe fpo iasrtlliag rhe tio cpImoesspo parp t
BeeoItsreo™ uair
1. Determine location where the air pump will be
NOTE: Install the air compressor wall mount bracket (if
2. Install the air compressor in its final location with
proper hardware.
3. Mount the low pressure regulator (packed separately)
to a convenient location. Attach the 10 ft x 1/4" ID air
line (provided with air compressor) to the air pump
outlet fitting. Route and connect the remaining end of
the air line to the inlet and onto the outlet of the low
pressure regulator. Route and connect the remaining
end of the tubing to the inlet side of the air filter
4. Connect one (1) end of the remaining section of the air
line to the outlet side of the air filter assembly. Route
and connect the opposite end of the air line to the
incoming air connection on the left side of the blender.
5. Attach the 10 ft x 3/8" ID drain line to the tank drain
fitting and route opposite end to floor drain.
6. Close tank outlet valve and plug air compressor into a
120 VAC outlet (domestic).
NOTE: Allow tank to fill completely and shut “off”.
Compressor should shut “off” at approximately 70 psi
(4.8 bar). Compressor will start up when tank pressure drops
to approximately 50 psi (3.1 bar).
7. Open tank outlet valve and adjust air compressor
regulator to 40 psi (2.8 bar).