Arm/Disarm for AlarmLINK (Optional)
6. Arm/Disarm Configuration:
Completion of steps 1-3 on the following page
is vital as it allows the AlarmLINK app to see the
open/close reports from the alarm panel to
complete the arm/disarm requests.
When a user requests arm/disarm, the
AlarmLINK app will not show the request
was successful until the open/close report is
received at the Monitoring Centre. These reports
are also used to sync the AlarmLINK app so the
user can verify if the panel is currently armed or
Alarm Panels do not generate the open/close
reports until AFTER the exit and entry delays so
the user will experience spinning wheel while
waiting for the open/close report to be sent, (if
the delay is too long). Or, if the reports are not
enabled the customer will experience a timeout
after 2 minutes and, the arm/disarm state will
not synchronise correctly on the AlarmLINK app.
Now please proceed to the next page which
provides the ‘Arm/Disarm Configuration’ steps.