MTX-DIN Family
2015/10 v2.3
All the interface signals are located at pins 42 to 46 of the terminal block. See
signals’ description.
The RS232 interface of the MTX-DIN modems is designed to be used as a DCE (data circuit-
terminating equipment). Based on the conventions for DCE-DTE connections, it communicates with
the customer application (DTE- data terminating equipment) using the following signals:
Port TxD @ application sends data to the TXD of the MTX-DIN Modem
Port RxD @ application receives data from the RXD of the MTX-DIN Modem
The RS232 interface is implemented as a serial asynchronous transmitter and receiver conforming to
ITU-T V.24 Interchange Circuits DCE. It is configured by default for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit
and can be operated at fixed bit rates from 1200bps to 921600bps.
Includes the data lines TXD1 and RXD1 and the status lines RTS1 and CTS1
ASC1 is primarily designed for controlling voice calls, transferring CSD, fax and GPRS data and
for controlling the GSM engine with AT commands.
By default it is configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. The setting can be changed
using the AT command AT+ICF and, if required, AT^STPB.
ASC1 can be operated at fixed bit rates from 1200bps to 921600bps. Autobauding is not
supported on ASC1.
By default, the serial speed for MTX-DIN is 115200bps.