The two lines (16-digit) on the alarm side have the following structure:
1st line: fault description
• The following information is given here:
Time window (1)
The letter indicates when the fault occurred. It is updated automatically:
– A: currently active alarm
– B: within the last hour (active alarms switch to B immediately)
– C: within the past 1-4 hours
– D: within the past 4-12 hours
– E: more than 12 hours ago
• Fault type code (2)
These two letters indicate the source of a fault:
– SE
Stands for System Error. The fault number (→ Page 54) and the number of the device that caused
the fault indicated in the following.
ECU (ADEC) – 02
EMU – 03
SAM – 06
– AL
This is a fault message from the SAM. This code is always followed by a 6-digit number indicating
the fault code from the SAM.
– EC
This is an alarm message from the engine governor. This code is always followed by a 3-digit num-
ber (3) indicating the fault code from the engine governor.
2nd line: plain text message that rolls if the text has more than 16 characters, providing more
information about the faults currently displayed.
• Proceed to the next alarm by pressing key (↓ ↑).
Important information about fault messages from the SAM
Fault messages from the SAM are represented in the fault code list (→ Page 56).
A prerequisite for performing the measures to rectify faults is a corresponding qualification/training at
Contact Service should troubleshooting as prescribed in the fault code list prove unsuccessful.
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| Troubleshooting | 53
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