8.8.2 Fuel prefilter – Differential pressure gage check and adjustment of gage
Rotating and moving engine parts.
Risk of crushing, danger of parts of the body being caught or pulled in!
• Only run the engine at low power. Keep away from the engine's danger zone.
High level of engine noise when the engine is running.
Risk of damage to hearing!
• Wear ear protectors.
Setting adjustable pointer of dif-
ferential pressure gage
After installation of a new filter element: Align
adjustable pointer (2) with pressure-indicat-
ing pointer (3) of pressure gage (1).
Verify that differential pressure is within the
Fuel prefilter – Checking differential pressure
With the engine running at full load or rated power, read off pressure at gage (1).
If differential pressure as indicated between position of adjustable pointer (2) and pressure-indicating point-
er (3) of pressure gage is ≥ 0.3 bar, flush filter element of the cut-in filter (→ Page 106).
MS15018/03E 2016-02
| Fuel Filter | 103
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