Smoke (if equipped)
You can control PS3.0-equipped engines that have smoke by toggling F10 on or
off. You can also adjust the smoke output using F11. Some engines have a switch
to enable/disable smoke and others have a smoke volume pot. In the case of a
switch, ensure the switch is set to ON and in the case of a smoke volume pot,
ensure the pot is turned fully clockwise to enable smoke operation in DCC.
F10 – Smoke On/Off. Enabling F10 will turn the smoke unit on. Disabling F10
will turn your smoke unit off.
F11 – Smoke Volume. There are three smoke volume levels in your MTH PS3.0-
equipped engine – Low/Med/High. The default for this is set to High. You can
adjust the smoke output (amount of smoke the generator puts out) by pressing
the F11 button twice. This sets the level to the next step. For example, if you are
currently at the High smoke output level, pressing F11 twice (toggling it on then
off) will set the smoke volume to Low. Pressing F11 twice again will set it to
Medium and so on.
Crossing Signal
Again, just like a real engine, you can trigger the Crossing Signal on your
engine. This is two long, one short, one long whistle/horn blast.
F12 – Crossing Signal. Pressing F12 twice (toggling on then off) will sound your
Crossing Signal.
Engine Sounds – F18. You can turn the Engine Sounds On/Off by pressing the
F18 button. Pressing it once (enabling F18) will cause the Engine Sounds to shut
off. The Whistle/Horn and Bell sounds will still be active, however. To turn the
engine sounds back on press the F18 button again (disable F18).
CV29 is the basic decoder setup CV that is used by all DCC decoder
manufactures. So, if you are familiar with CV29 from other manufacturer's
decoders MTH's is no different. The most important part of CV29 is the ability
to switch between long and short addressing. By default, CV29 on your MTH
PS3.0-equipped engine is set to 2.
Premier 2-4-1A Mountain Steam Locomotive