MSR605 Programmer’s Manual
Rev. A
Description: This command is used to select the density
16. Command: Read raw data
Command code: <ESC> m
Hex code: 1B 6D
Response: [Raw Data Block] <ESC> [Status Byte]
Description: This command requests MSR605 to read a card swipe but send without ASCII decode.
Refer to [Raw Data Block] & [Raw Data] format.
17. Command: Write raw data
Command code: <ESC> n [Raw Data Block]
Hex code: 1B 6E [Raw Data Block]
Response: <ESC> [Status Byte]
Description: This command requests MSR605 to write raw Data Block into the card swiped.
Refer to [Raw Data Block] & [Raw Data] format.
18. Command: Get device model
Command code: <ESC> t
Hex code: 1B 74
Response: <ESC> [Model] S
Description: This command is used to get the model of MSR605.
19. Command: Get firmware version
Command code: <ESC> v
Hex code: <ESC> 76
Response: <ESC> [version]
Description: This command can get the firmware version of MSR605.
20. Command: Set BPC
Command code: <ESC> o [tk1bit][tk2bit][tk3bit]
Hex code: <ESC> 6F [05-08][05-08][05-08]
Response: <ESC> 30 [tk1bit][tk2bit][tk3bit]
Description: This command is used to set the bit per character of every track.
21. Command: Set Hi-Co
Command code: <ESC> x
Hex code: 1B 78
Response: <ESC> 0
Description: This command is used to set MSR605 status to write Hi-Co card.