2. Products Covered
All xDAP products are variants of the xDAP008 or xDAP008i base product. These are chassis boxes containing variously-
configured devices that constitute a complete xDAP product. The two base products are really the same thing except for
physical dimensions. The size of the enclosure is indicated by an
The xDAP008 is packaged in a half-width rack size, compatible with 3U 42HP specifications.
The xDAP008i is packaged in a full-width rack size, compatible with 3U 84HP specifications.
i suffix is
also carried forward to indicate the physical size of completely configured products. The products covered by
this document include the following:
xDAP7410, xDAP7410i
xDAP7420, xDAP7420i
xDAP7620, xDAP7620i
All of these products provide the following features:
signal channel configurations
signal conversion devices
USB communications port
processor and logic chip devices
The various products feature different configurations of the following features:
embedded processor and chip set type
digital logic devices
numbers and arrangements of signal channels
signal connectors
Study the hardware manual for specific information about hardware features available on each xDAP model.