BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
Intel(R) VT for Directed I/O Configuration
Intel(R) VT-d
Intel Vrtualzaton Technology for Drected I/O (Intel VT-d) provdes the ca-
pablty to ensure mproved solaton of I/O resources for greater relablty,
securty, and avalablty.
Interrupt Remapping
Intel VT-d nterrupt remappng allows for reductons n nterrupt vrtualza-
ton overhead for assgned devces. Interrupt requests specfy a requester-
ID and nterrupt-ID, and remap hardware transforms these requests to a
physcal nterrupt, usng a software-programmed Interrupt Remap Table
structure n memory.
Coherency Support
Ths settng ndcates f hardware access to the root, context, page-table
and nterrupt-remap structures are coherent (snooped) or not.
ATS Support
Ths settng enables/dsables the ATS (Address Translaton Servce) sup-
port for the Intel IOMMU.
Pass-through DMA
Ths settng enables/dsables the pass-through DMA functon.