BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
Console Redirection Settings
Terminal Type
To operate the system’s console redrecton, you need a termnal supportng
ANSI termnal protocol and a RS-232 null modem cable connected between
the host system and terminal(s). This setting specifies the type of terminal
devce for console redrecton.
Bits per second, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits
This setting specifies the transfer rate (bits per second, data bits, parity,
stop bts) of Console Redrecton.
Flow Control
Flow control s the process of managng the rate of data transmsson be-
tween two nodes. It’s the process of adjusting the flow of data from one
devce to another to ensure that the recevng devce can handle all of the
ncomng data. Ths s partcularly mportant where the sendng devce s ca-
pable of sendng data much faster than the recevng devce can receve t.
Legacy OS Redirection Resolution
This setting specifies the redirection resolution of legacy OS.