M S-7100 ATX M ainboard
Reserved Drive and Setting Size for RAID Set, Spare Drive, or
Once a physical drive has been used to create a RAID set, spare drive, or
Concatenation by BIOS utility, BIOS saves user selected set or drive size in the
reserved area of the physical drive. There is no way to remove the reserved area
information even after the user deletes the set or drive. For this reason, after a set
or drive is deleted, BIOS recognizes the physical drive as a reserved logical drive
and it will not report the drive to the system BIOS.
W hen user selects to create a RAID set, spare drive, or Concatenation, he or she
has to select size for the set or drive. BIOS will set a default size for it and user
can use the and keys to change the size. If the physical drive has never been
used to create a set or drive by the BIOS before, the full size of the physical drive
will be set as default size. Otherwise, BIOS will set default size to the size it
saved in the reserved area of the physical drive before.
If the user wants to increase the default size, BIOS will display a warning
message in the help window and for user
s response
before changing the default size.