NAT (Network Address Translation) allows multiple users at
your local site to access the Internet over a single-user account.
It can also prevent hacker attacks by mapping local addresses
to public addresses for key services, such as Web or FTP.
> Static NAT Setting
Use the Static NAT screen for the Network Address Translation
(NAT) process that provides internal to external IP address
mapping. It also includes a list of Global IP if you have setup.
> Virtual Server
You can configure the wireless gateway as a virtual server, so
that remote users can access the services (e.g. Web or FTP) at
your local site via public IP addresses. It also includes a list of
Virtual Server if you have setup (maximum 32 entries).
> Special Applications
Some special applications, such as Internet gaming, video con-
ference and Internet telephony, require multiple connections.
This feature allows these applications to work properly. It
also includes a list of Special Applications if you have setup
(maximum 32 entries).
This window includes:
> Static NAT Setting
> Virtual Server
> Special Applications