BIOS Setup
provided in the documentation from your hard disk vendor or the system manufacturer.
Select how to define the HDD parameters
[Multi-Sector Transfers]
Any selection except Disabled determines
the number of sectors transferred per block
[LBA Mode Control]
Enabling LBA causes Logical Block Ad-
dressing to be used in place of Cylinders,
Heads and Sectors.
[32-Bit I/O]
Enables 32-bit communication between
CPU and IDE card
[Tranfer Mode]
Selects the method for transferring the data
between the hard disk and system memory
[Ultra DMA Mode]
Indicates the type of Ultra DMA.
Boot Features
The sub-menu is used to configure system boot-up features.
Floppy Check
This setting causes the BIOS to search for floppy disk drives at boot time. When
enabled, the BIOS will activate the floppy disk drives during the boot process.
The drive activity light will come on and the head will move back and forth once.
Setting options: [Disabled], [Enabled].
Summary Screen
Selecting [Enabled] displays system summary screen during boot up. Options:
[Enabled], [Disabled].
Boot-time Diagnostic Screen
Select [Enabled] if you want to view the system diagnostic screen during boot-
time. Options: [Enabled], [Disabled].
QuickBoot Mode
Setting the item to [Enabled] allows the system to boot within 5 seconds since
it will skip some check items. Available options: [Enabled], [Disabled].
Chassis Intruder Detect
The field enables or disables the feature of recording the chassis intrusion
status and issuing a warning message if the chassis is once opened. To clear
Floppy Check:
Summary Screen:
Boot-time Diagnostic Screen:
QuickBoot Mode:
Chassis Intruder Detect:
Boot Features