sists of chemically treated paper. In
use, as the paper is exposed to metal-
lic mercury vapor, it changes from
orange to brown. When the indicator
color changes to brown, the cartridge
is beginning to lose its effectiveness
against metallic mercury vapor and
must be replaced. Thus, the wearer
has a constant, positive check on the
condition of his cartridge.
c. Do not enter any atmospheres with
this respirator unless you know that;
you are not colorblind and can distin-
guish between the beginning and end-
ing colors of the end-of-service-life
indicator (when using Mersorb-
P100/Mersorb respirators only).
1. This device does NOT supply oxygen,
and must only be used in adequately
ventilated areas containing at least
19.5 percent oxygen.
2. This respirator must be used in con-
junction with the proper chemical or
particulate cartridges for protection
against specific contaminants.
3. Do not use when concentrations of
contaminants are unknown or immedi-
ately dangerous to life or health (IDLH).
4. Do not use when appropriate exposure
TLV, etc.) is not known.
5. Leave area immediately if:
A. Breathing becomes difficult.
B. Dizziness or other distress occurs.
C. You taste or smell contaminant.
D. You experience nose or throat irrita-
6. Use strictly in accordance with instruc-
tions, labels, and limitations pertaining
to this device.
7. This respirator may not provide a satis-
factory seal with certain facial charac-
teristics, such as beards or large side-
burns, that prevent direct contact
between the skin and the sealing sur-
face of the facepiece. Do not use this
respirator if such conditions exist.
8. Never alter or modify this device.
9. This respirator is for use by trained,
qualified personnel only.
Failure to follow the above warnings can
result in serious personal injury or death.
Do not use for urethane paints or other
paints containing diisocyanates unless an
appropriate cartridge change-out sched-
ule is developed. Due to their poor warn-
ing properties, over exposure can occur
without user awareness and result in
severe permanent damage to the respira-
tory system. If unable to develop an appro-
priate change-out schedule, use an air-
supplied respirator or SCBA.
The wearer must comply with the following
respirator use limitations:
Do not exceed any of the following:
A. 10 times the exposure limit for the
contaminants present.
B. Immediately dangerous to life or
health (IDLH) concentration for any
contaminant present.
2. The limitations outlined in the applicable
NIOSH approval.
3. For respirators with class N or R filters:
Replace filters after no more than 8 (eight)
hours of use (continuous or intermittent)
or sooner if excessive breathing resis-
tance occurs while inhaling. [Service time
can be extended by performing an evalu-
ation in the specific workplace setting
that demonstrates (a) that the extended
use will not degrade the filter below the
efficiency level for which it is approved, or
(b) that the total mass loading of the filter
is less than 200 mg.]
4. For respirators with class P filters:
Replace filters when excessive breathing
resistance occurs while inhaling.
5. For respirators with chemical cartridges:
a. Users must follow an appropriate car-
tridge change-out schedule devel-
oped by a qualified professional. The
change-out schedule must take into