1. Protection
P100—Particulate Filter (99.97% filter
efficiency level) effective against all par-
ticulate aerosols.
N95—Particulate Filter (95% filter effi-
ciency level) effective against all particu-
late aerosols free of oil; time use restric-
tions may apply.
R95—Particulate Filter (95% filter effi-
ciency level) effective against all particu-
late aerosols; time use restrictions may
AM - Ammonia
HS - Hydrogen sulfide
CD - Chlorine dioxide
CL - Chlorine
MA - Methylamine
FM - Formaldehyde
MV - Mercury vapor
HC - Hydrogen chloride OV - Organic Vapor
HF - Hydrogen fluoride SD - Sulfur dioxide
SA - Supplied Air
2. Cautions and Limitations
A. Not for use in atmospheres contain-
ing less than 19.5 percent oxygen.
B. Not for use in atmospheres immedi-
ately dangerous to life or health.
C. Do not exceed maximum use concen-
trations established by regulatory
H. Follow established cartridge and can-
ister change schedules or observe
ESLI to ensure that cartridges and
canisters are replaced before break-
through occurs.
J. Failure to properly use and maintain
this product could result in injury or
K. The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration regulations require
gas-proof goggles be worn with this
L. Follow the manufacturer’s Users
Instructions for changing cartridges
and/or filters.
M. All approved respirators shall be
selected, fitted, used, and maintained
in accordance with MSHA, OSHA, and
other applicable regulations.
N. Never substitute, modify, add, or omit
parts. Use only exact replacement
parts in the configuration as specified
by the manufacturer.
O Refer to User’s Instructions and/or
maintenance manuals for information
on use and maintenance of these res-
P. NIOSH does not evaluate respirators
for use as surgical masks.
S. Special or critical user’s instructions
and/or specific use limitations apply.
Refer to User’s Instructions before
1. NIOSH allows this respirator to be used
for protection against a mixture of conta-
minants that are present simultaneously
or used alternately against one contami-
nant then another (using the same car-
tridges or filters) if the mixture meets the
following conditions:
a. The cartridge/filter must be approved
for all contaminants present.
b. Contaminants present simultaneously
must be below IDLH levels for the spe-
cific contaminants. If any one contam-
inant in the mixture exceeds the IDLH
concentration, then the entire mixture
must be treated as IDLH and the res-
pirator cannot be used (except for
escape from particulates with appro-
priate filter).
2. Special Instructions for Mersorb-P100/
Mersorb Cartridges —
a. Mersorb-P100/Mersorb
can be used against a mixture of chlo-
rine and mercury that are both present
simultaneously, but cannot be used if
alternating between mercury-contami-
nated atmospheres and chlorine-cont-
aminated atmospheres.
b. Service Life Indicator - The Mersorb-
P100 respirator utilizes an End of
Service Life Indicator (ESLI) for use
against metallic mercury vapor. The
ESLI must be readily visible to the
wearer of this respirator without
manipulation of either the respirator,
cartridges, facepiece or the indicator.
If you can not readily see the indicator,
do not wear the respirator. The ESLI
band around the side of each
Mersorb-P100/Mersorb cartridge con-