MRU GmbH, D-74172 Neckarsulm
56 / 78
Exporting differential pressure measurements.
The same function as Export of combustion tests only the file name is different.
The created file has the file name “DDMxxxxx.csv“, in which the xxxxx are con-
tinuing 5-digit numbers with leading zeros.
The created file has a column header with the following information: Site num-
ber, Date/Time, as well as 4 saved pressure measurements.
Measurement in Data storage
Viewing measurements
Go to the Storage menu.
Select View measurements.
Press OK.
The menu View measurements appears.
An overview of the number of stored measurements according to
the measurement type appears.
Select the desired measurement type.
Press F2.
Then you receive first a page with context information to the
stored measurement. Scroll with the arrow keys by the context in-
formation of the stored measurements.
Press F2.
Measured value are displayed the measured data of the stored
measurement in detail, available in 3 measuring value pages, as
they are defined in the measuring value window.
With ESC you return to the context information of the measurement.