2.When using
meter can be RS232 output, insert IOW-924E RS232 INPUT
(Fig.3-3), this time the machine will automatically become RS232 transmission
function by the IO control function.
3.Open Meter App software (such as SCREEN4-9-22):
3-3-1. In SCREEN 4-9-2 select Step 1 (Meter 1).
3-3-2.At this show SCREEN4-9-3, select Step2 tool button then into the
3-3-3.Enter the relevant information in SCREEN4-9-4:
1) Meter name: Meter name can be changed to a desired user name
2) CH NO.:In accordance Meter CH NO. Input
3) Sampling time: In minutes, checking after do Logger function (must be set)
4) IP:
A. According to the local IP as input (such as SCREEN4-9-4) and shall
be checked.
B. IP based network used by the user to make an input
(such as SCREEN4-9-5) and must check.
5) Port: According to the machine port as input and must check (must be set).
6) Save file: Logger select the path you want to store (must be set)
7) Alarm Beeper: After checking SCREEN4-9-7 must comply with the set,
when they meet the conditions have an effect.
8) Alarm SMS: Check this option must be compatible with
SCREEN4-9-7 set,when qualified will send newsletters.
3-3-4.In SCREEN4-9-5 Save tool button, then press Save the set value is
stored, and it will return to SCREEN4-9-3 screen, when Step3 green
and flashes when it means that the connection with the machine.
3-3-5.In SCREEN4-9-3 Step 4 (CH1) Click proceeds SCREEN4-9-6
screen, then do High and Low set and checked, when you press the
Return of smart phones will be returned to SCREEN4-9-3 screen
equivalent measured value has reached the condition CH1-CH3 will
show red numbers and have Beeper and send newsletters.
3-3-6.In SCREEN4-9-3 Step5 tool button, you can switch directly displays
the value of Meter1-Meter4.
3-3-7.Re-connect: When they find breaking news is not connected to WiFi,
you can press this do to reconnect action.
3-3-8.Auto Log: Sampling time basis function set the time and check,
do the automatic recording function (such as SCREEN4-9-4).