Key functions
Setup key, for accessing parameter table, and confirming change
Data shift key, also for activating auto turning
Data increase key
Data decrease key
Display window
Process Value Display
Displays PV, or code of a parameter
Setting Value Display
Displays SV, alarming code, or value of a parameter
LED indicator.
Output indicator
(Heating for temperature control
Cooling indicator
Alarm or warning indicator
Operation discription
Set Value Setting:
In basal display status, we can set setpoint (SV) by pressing
、 、
to decrease the value , Press
to increase the value, and
to move to the
digit expected to modify. Keep pressing
, the speed of decreasing or
inscreasing value get quick.
Parameter Setting:
In basal display status, press
and hold for about 2 seconds can access Field
Parameter Table. Pressing
can go to the next parameter; pressing
can modify a parameter. The equipment will escape auomatically from the parameter
table if no key is pressed within 30 seconds.
Intelligence control and auto tuning
When At control method is chosen, the control parameters can be obtained by
running auto-tuning. At the first time of running auto-tuning, in basic display status,
“At” will flash at lower display window and the equipment executes on-off control.
After 2 to 3 cycles of on-off action, the equipment will obtain the values of PID control
parameters. If you want to escape from auto tuning status, press
and hold for
about 2 seconds until the "At" flash stops. Depending on the system, the time of auto
tuning can be several seconds to several hours. After the auto tuning finishes, the
parameter “At” automatically changes to “OFF”, If user wants to run auto tuning
again, setting parameter “At” to “on”.
Note 1:
Before running auto-tuning, setpoint should be set to an often-used value or middle