In this unit, there is a series of intermediate special heat exchangers (cascade
condensers) between the air-cooled condenser and the final cooling coil (cold probe).
There are several stages of partial condensation, phase separation, condensate
throttling, and intermediate cooling. In addition, the system has a suction-side
refrigerant vapor expansion tank and a discharge-side buffer tank to limit start-up
discharge pressures.
Control unit
The control unit with indication and operating functions,
The equipment is provided with a LED display to indicate the measurements and
settings as well as the operational status. The setpoint and other settings are
selected using two or three keys.
A Pt100 temperature probe senses the temperature inside the Cryocoil. The
measurement is processed by a high-resolution AD converter.
Brief instructions
4.1 Assembly and setting up
Carefully remove the packaging materials and visually inspect the unit for shipping
damage. The flexible line to the cold probe should have no sharp bends nor signs of