- 33 -
06 Auto print 0 : none;
1 : constance; 2 : with breakes;
3 : for stable.
After setting correct values return to weighing mode as it is described in p.
5.1.2 of the manual. For value 1 : computer parameter 09 Printout to, for
printouts the last digit of indication is omited.
This function is used to make not standard printouts and select type of
printout. Precise description for printouts is described in p.17.
In this group of parameters user declares mass units which are accessible
for operator directly under the key Units.
All units which value of the parameters is set up at 1: yes are accessible
from the level of switching between units.
For units described as 09 Taele Hk., 10 Taele S., 11 Taele T . there are
following dependences:
If all of them have attribute 1: yes the balance show only first of
them 09 Taele Hk
If the measurement is done in units 11 Taele T set the attribute 0 : no for two
Enter group of the parameters P7 Units according to p. 5.2.7.
Draw 24. Measure units - setting
After set proper values of the parameters return to weighing mode in
accordance to p 5.1.2 of the manual.