Bell on/off
Air release
Coupling 1
Brake release (idle) / brake squeal (moving)
Dynamic brake on/off
Air hose firing/uncoupling lever
3 times will shut down when in idle / Manual notch down
Engine cooling fan / Manual notch up
Rail wheel clack (only moving)
Traction air compressor
Change prime diesel mover type, (CV123, 2 types)
Master volume reduce by 1
Master volume increase by 1
Air compressor
Flange squeal
Air release
Change bell type (use F1 to turn off bell after adjustment)
Horn type select (total 22 different horns)
Associated loco sound
Change bell volume (use F1 to turn off bell after adjustment)
Change horn volume
Change diesel rumble volume
Safety valve pop
Air release
Flange noise
Sand drop
Air release
left side pick up
right side pick up
left side pick up
right side pick up
mill down both raised channels until weight is flat and tape it
Refer to the instructions that came with your Atlas S2/S4 locomotive for
removal of the handrails, cab and body shell. Unsolder the four pick up
wires and unscrew the two screws. Don’t lose these two screws. Remove
the original circuit board and the weight. You have to modify the weight for
fitting in the decoder. (Do not do any modifications to the weight while it
is still attached to the chassis or damage to the decoder or motor can
result) Use a grinding wheel, belt sander, or a fine file, to modify the top
weight as shown in the photos. Make sure the weight is clean of any
debris before re-installing it in the chassis. Apply tape on the weight
except the two screw area to prevent any short circuit. The trimmed ends
of the pickup wire must be only 1/16” long. Too long will cause a short
circuit and damage the decoder. Solder the four pick up wires to the
decoder in the four spots, noted on the board as “pick”, [see photos].
Make sure that there are no wire strands or solder bridges that will touch
any of the decoder boards components or the weight after you install the
decoder. Note: Some early versions of the loco may only have one screw.
Now, insure the single contact on the bottom of the decoder is bent at
approx 30 degrees to insure contact with top motor brush. Line up the
screw holes in the decoder, with the the modified top weight, and use the
screws to secure the decoder and the weight. The narrow portion of the
decoder should fit snugly in the channel of the top weight.
The rear LED is set up at the factory to line up with the headlight lens in
the cab, if due to shipping the LED does not quite line up with the lens,
gently bend it back into position.
Re-install the body shell, cab, and handrails, and now your S2/S4 is ready
to go to work on your railroad.
Due to one of the motor terminals of Atlas S2 or S4 locomotive is connected
to its chassis, you have to make sure its four wheel pickup contacts not
touch the chassis. If one of them touches the chassis the decoder will be
damaged by the short.
The decoders have been factory programmed with address #3, 28/128 speed
steps and maximum top voltage. Select the “Run” mode of your DCC system
and select or acquire address #3. Move up the throttle and the loco should
The decoder has 2 types of diesel prime mover sounds, (AlCo 539T and
AlCo 244). You can use F12 to change the prime mover sounds. You can
also program CV123 to value of 3 or 4 to select the correct alco primer
mover for matching your diesel engine.
The decoder has a start up and shut down feature. If the loco has been
previously shut down, you have to start up the engine by simply pressing
any numbered function button. To shut down the engine you must bring
the loco to idle and then press F8 three times.
This decoder has 22 different horns. You can use F19 or program CV50
to select these 22 horns. You can also use F18 or program CV52 to
select different 8 bell sounds.
Most of the sounds have their own volume control CV. There is also a
master sound volume control CV49. Also F13 will reduce the master
volume by 1 (you will hear an air release when you reach CV49=1).
Pressing F14 will increase volume by 1 (you will hear an air release
when you reach CV49=16). Programming CV49 to 0 will shut the sound
The decoder is default to automatic notching. You can program CV122 to 3
to set manual notching for realistic operation. And then use F9 to notch up
and use F8 to notch down. This simulates the way a real locomotive
This decoder is equipped with adjustable back EMF closed loop speed
control. Its proportional gain (CV113), integral gain (CV114) and derivative
gain (fixed) are pre-tuned for most locomotives. We recommend that you
do not change these settings. Too much gain may cause the motor to
oscilate (become unstable). Too little gain may cause slow response.
Please get some basic knowledge of PID feedback control before trying to
adjust CV113/114.
There are many more program features available with this decoder.
Please refer to the CV Chart to explore other features of the decoder.
Note: Bell, Dynamic Brake and Rail Wheel Clack cannot play at the same
time. If you activate the Bell sound [F1], while either the Dynamic Brake or
Rail Wheel Clack sounds are activated, the Bell sound will override the
other 2 sounds. Rail Wheel Clack cannot play while the loco is in idle.
When you turn off Dynamic Brake and Rail Wheel Clack sound there will
be one second delay.
With DC operation only the last programmed prime mover sound will play,
and you can’t control bells, horns, etc. We recommend you to use MRC
Tech 6 Sound Controller, [item no. 0001200], for your DC operation. It will
enable the full range of sounds on a DC system.