VPort 2110 User’s Manual
Advanced Applications
Recalling camera position
/cgi-bin/recall.cgi? cam=1&recall=<position>
the text string of a location that is preset in system configuration.
Refer to Camera preset configuration URL for preset function.
Transparent Remote Serial Driver
Video Server provides a highly customized control support for third-party serial interface devices
(other than PTZ cameras). This means that in addition to setting up a custom camera with PAN/
TILT/ ZOOM/ FOCUS commands, users may utilize this mode and introduce a customized
homepage to transmit arbitrary user-defined commands from user-side to Video Server. The
third-party device connected to the serial port of Video Server will receive the same command sent
by the originator. The user only needs to attach the command in ASCII format after the special
URL. Video Server will parse the commands and translate into binary code to send out.
Sending command to device attached to COM port
This hyperlink will inform Video Server to send out binary format commands to COM with “0x12,
0x34, 0x56” followed by “0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF”. Each comma separates the commands by 200
milliseconds. “flush=yes” means the receive data buffer of COM port must be cleared before read.
Then read 6 bytes after waiting for 1000 milliseconds. The read data can be up to 128 bytes and
will return as ASCII coded hexadecimal value, e.g., 0x41, 0x42, 0x43 read from COM port will
show in returned homepage as 414243 instead of ABC.
URL Commands for System Maintenance
Download System Log via FTP
Besides viewing the system log from the web page, administrators can download the system log
file, SYSTEM.LOG, via FTP. To log into the FTP daemon, enter “root” as the user name and the
same administrator’s password used in Web access.
Restart System via URL
Restart Video Server without warning.
Restore Factory Default Settings via URL
Video Server will automatically restart after restoring factory default configurations.