ThinkCore V481 WinCE User’s Manual
Inserting a USB Mass Storage Device into the Computer
USB mass storage devices are useful for porting data between your PC and the V481 computer.
We suggest that you format your devices with the FAT format. When the first USB storage device
is plugged into the V481, a directory named “USBDisk” under the root directory is created as a
link to the storage, on the internal file system. The directory created for the second USB device is
Inserting a CompactFlash into the Computer
The V481 has a type II CompactFlash slot that supports cards of both types I and II. A mass
storage card is considered to be secondary storage for the computer. When a mass storage card is
inserted, the V481 creates a directory named “HardDisk” under the root directory, and the newly
created directory serves a link to the storage space.
Eight RS-232/422/485 Serial Ports
The V481’s serial ports are numbered from left to right and bottom using the names: COM1,
COM2, …, COM8. The serial ports are reliable, operate at speeds up to 921600 bps, and support
the RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 interfaces.