Moxa Technologies NPort Server Pro Скачать руководство пользователя страница 121




 Server Pro User’s Manual





When the 

Diagnostic Config

 window first opens, the 

Selected NPort Server

 info box 

under the 

Test Object

 tab is empty. Click on the text box’s pull down button and 

choose the desired server, and then press 


to select. 

If the server you’re looking for is not on the list, click on Search to let the program 
search the network for all connected NPort Server Pros, and then choose the desired 


If the NPort Server Pro you chose is password protected, the following window will 
open. Type in the correct password and then click 



Содержание NPort Server Pro

Страница 1: ...NPort Server Pro User s Manual For DE 303 308 Fifth Edition June 2008 www moxa com product 2008 Moxa Inc all rights reserved Reproduction without permission is prohibited...

Страница 2: the right to make improvements and or changes to this manual or to the products and or the programs described in this manual at any time Information provided in this manual is intended to be accura...

Страница 3: ...necting Asynchronous Serial Devices 2 7 Chapter 3 3 IP Address Configuration 3 1 Telnet Console 3 2 DHCP Server 3 4 Chapter 4 4 Setting Up Single Host 4 1 Driver and Software Installation 4 3 Using NP...

Страница 4: ...o Add Server Wizard 6 8 Deleting a Server 6 13 Modifying COM Name Mappings 6 14 Un Mapping a Port 6 15 Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware 6 15 Configuring Server Properties 6 16 Access Control 6 18 C...

Страница 5: ...9 13 Appendix AA Troubleshooting A 1 Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting A 1 Programming Problems A 4 LED Description A 5 Appendix BB About PComm Pro B 1 Features B 2 Benefits B 2 Appendix...

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Страница 8: ...otocol toattachtoanetwork NPortServerProworkslikeanadd onmulti portserialboardtotheNT 95 98 server butwithonemajoradvantage theTCP IPnetwork SincetheWindowsNT 95 98host communicateswiththeCOMportsonNp...

Страница 9: ...ranet q Driver for Windows NT 95 98 platform q Fixed TTY driver for SCO Unix and Linux q Easy configuration and management under Windows NT 95 98 q Secured access control to network hosts q Free Moxa...

Страница 10: ...Overview NPort Server Pro User s Manual 1 3 Front Panel View Figure 1 1 16 Port NPort Server Pro Front Panel DE 303 Figure 1 2 8 Port NPort Server Pro Front Panel DE 308...

Страница 11: ...1 4 NPort Server Pro User s Manual Rear Panel View Figure 1 3 16 Port NPort Server Pro Rear Panel DE 303 Figure 1 4 8 Port NPort Server Pro Rear Panel DE 308...

Страница 12: ...g WebeginthischapterwithabriefexplanationoftheoperationmodesavailablewhenusingNPort ServerPro andthendiscussthebasicsofsettingitup Thischapterincludes q Knowing Your Application Single Host Mode Multi...

Страница 13: ...eoftheslotsonthe backofyourPC Inthiscase onlythecomputercontainingtheboardcanaccesstheserialport With Moxa s8 16 portNPortServerProserialdeviceserver communicatingwithCOMportsismuch moreversatile sinc...

Страница 14: ...oaddmulti portserialboardsto eachcomputer Figure2 3showsthebasicconceptoftheMulti Hostapplication Forexample let sassumethatyouhavethreehostsonthesamenetwork andeachhostrequires5 serialportstocommunic...

Страница 15: ...dIP addresstoNPortServerPro sothatotherWindowsNT 95 98hostsonthenetwork i e thegeneral users areabletolocatetheserverthatisbeingadministered Theadministratoralsodecideswhohas therighttoaccesswhichport...

Страница 16: ...abouttheInternetandIntranet Figure2 4showsacomplexremote control example Inmostcases ifNPortServerProisusedforremoteaccessorcontrol youwillneedtocustomizethe servertosuityourneeds Youcouldbetheadminis...

Страница 17: ...padsfixedtothebottomoftheserver andwerecommendleavingsufficientroombetween NPortServerProandneighboringequipmenttocreateclearanceforairtocirculate Note Please remember to not put anything on top of NP...

Страница 18: ...plyisdesignedtosupport90 260VAC makingitpossibleforyouto usetheserverregardlessofyourACpowersupply svoltage Note It is strongly recommended that NPort Server Pro be connected to the network before tur...

Страница 19: ......

Страница 20: ...nfiguration InthischapterweexplainhowtoconfigureNPortServerPro sIPaddress using q Telnet Console q DHCP Server ThefirstmethodusestheTelnetprogramtoaccesstheserveroverthenetwork Thesecondmethod applies...

Страница 21: ...tes whichever menu heading is highlighted q After pressing Enter from the MAIN MENU the Tab key and up down arrow keys are used to move between configurable options q The Esc key is used to maneuver b...

Страница 22: ...he following procedure to make sure that the VT100 Arrows option is selected Not doing so could cause the server s name to be changed inadvertently 5 ChoosePreferences from the Telnet Console Terminal...

Страница 23: ...server Thistypeofserveris setuptoprovideIPaddressesfornewdevicesastheylogontoanetwork AstheoperationofNPort ServerProrequiresafixedIPaddress westronglyrecommendthatyouestablishanIPreservation listinDH...

Страница 24: ...he minus sign appears 3 You must now define the DHCP server scope A scope is simply a range of IP addresses that the server assigns to machines as they log onto the network Since the assignment is dyn...

Страница 25: ...t ranges can be excluded and later included 6 Another item that must be attended to is the Subnet Mask This is a number that is combined with a device s IP address to determine which subnet the device...

Страница 26: ...erties window that opens contains text input boxes for IP address Unique Identifier Client Name and Client Comment First enter the selected IP address and then locate and enter your NPort Server Pro s...

Страница 27: entered are correct return to the DHCP Manager main window click on Scope and then choose Active Leases from the pull down menu The IP address reserved for your NPort Server Pro will be displayed i...

Страница 28: ...i portserialboard Wecoverthefollowingtopics q Driver and Software Installation q Using NPort Pro Manager Saving Your Configuration Adding an NPort Server Pro Add Server Wizard Deleting a Server Modify...

Страница 29: ...a Server Figure 4 1 Application with one host and two NPort Server Pros Note If you need to set up Multi Host Mode or Custom Mode refer to Chapters 5 and 6 respectively for complete descriptions of t...

Страница 30: ...n the type of disk that was provided From the Windows NT 95 98 desktop click on Startand then choose Run 2 Type A setup in the Open input box if using drive A and then click OK replace A with the corr...

Страница 31: ...continue 5 The Select Destination Directory window gives you the option to change the directory which program files will be copied to Click on Next to copy NPort Server Pro files to the given default...

Страница 32: ...verifies that the installation process has completed Click on Next to continue Note If you click on Cancel you will need to run Add Server Wizard at a later time to install your NPort Server Pro 8 Cl...

Страница 33: ...bersdisplayedintheleftinfobox WhenaparticularNPortServerProishighlighted theports associatedwiththatserver theassociatedCOMportnames andotherrelevantinformation are shownintherightinfobox NPortProMana...

Страница 34: ...enu orclickonthetoolbarSave all Serversicontoautomaticallydetectanychangesandsavethemintheappropriateplaces Adding an NPort Server Pro Add Server Wizard TheAddServerWizardisactivatedautomaticallydurin...

Страница 35: ...and then click on Next to continue Note If the server you want to add is not listed in the above window you will receive the warning window shown below Check to make sure that the power cord is conne...

Страница 36: ...n the Add Server Wizard window shown in step 2 above The Ready LED on the listed server will start blinking allowing you to identify it 3 Select the COM port name that you would like the first port on...

Страница 37: ...are installing a new server We highly recommend assigning a password since this will help to prevent other users from changing the server s configuration Click on Next to continue Note Make sure the...

Страница 38: ...of the information is correct Click on Finish if everything is correct or click on Back to return to the previous window 6 The NPort Pro Manager window opens with the newly installed server listed 7 C...

Страница 39: ...heServermenu orclickonthetoolbarDeleteServericon Awarningwindowwillpopupaskingifyoureallywanttodeletetheserver ClickOKtodelete Modifying COM Name Mappings YoumayuseNPortProManagertochangepreviouslyass...

Страница 40: ...ivate the change Un Mapping a Port Ifyoudonotneedtouseaportanymore youmayusetheUnMapPortfunctiontoremoveitfrom yourWindowsNT 95 98operatingsystem 1 Click on the port in the right info box that you wan...

Страница 41: ...lsousethisfunctionto Auto Save i e tohaveWindowsNT 95 98rememberyour passwordforyou Byautosavingthepassword youwillnotbeaskedtoenterthepasswordwhen modifyingserverpropertiesfromthiscomputer Note Keep...

Страница 42: ...port Transmissionofsmall datapacketsismorepreciseandreliable In thiscase thedriverwillnotifytheuserthat thetransmissioniscompletewhenalldata hasbeentransmitted Tx FIFO SettoEnabletothegetthebestperfor...

Страница 43: is recommended that you uninstall the old NPort Pro Manager program from your NT 95 98 host s hard drive and then install the new one Replacing a Server IntheunlikelyeventthatyourNPortServerProneed...

Страница 44: ...s password protected enter the pre set password when prompted to do so 6 Click OKto save the current settings to the new server 7 Click on Save Configuration to activate Note Previous configurations i...

Страница 45: ......

Страница 46: ...ollowingtopics q Driver and Software Installation q Using NPort Pro Manager Saving Your Configuration Adding an NPort Server Pro Add Server Wizard Deleting a Server Modifying COM Name Mappings Change...

Страница 47: ...Removing a Granted Host Configuring Through View by Port Adding a Host IP Address to a Specific Port Modifying a Granted Host Removing Granted Host Figure 5 1 Application with three hosts and two NPor...

Страница 48: ...the type of disk that was provided From the Windows NT 95 98 desktop click on Startand then choose Run 2 Type A setup in the Open input box if using drive A and then click OK replace A with the corre...

Страница 49: ...continue 5 The Select Destination Directory window gives you the option to change the directory which program files will be copied to Click on Next to copy NPort Server Pro files to the given default...

Страница 50: ...window verifies that the installation process has completed Click on Next to continue Note If you click on Cancel you will need to run Add Server Wizard at a later time to install your NPort Server P...

Страница 51: ...bersdisplayedintheleftinfobox WhenaparticularNPortServerProishighlighted theports associatedwiththatserver theassociatedCOMportnames andotherrelevantinformation are shownintherightinfobox NPortProMana...

Страница 52: or click on the toolbar Save all Servers icon to automatically detect any changes and save them in the appropriate places Adding an NPort Server Pro Add Server Wizard The Add Server Wizard is ac...

Страница 53: ...mouse to highlight the server Model and then click on Next to continue Note If the server you want to add is not listed in the above window you will receive the warning window shown below Check to mak...

Страница 54: ...The Ready LED on the listed server will start blinking allowing you to identify it 3 If you are the system administrator and know the current password or if you are setting up a new password selectYes...

Страница 55: if needed and then click on Next to continue 5 Select the COM port name that you would like the first port on the server to map to This will add all of NPort Server Pro s ports 8 or 16 depending on...

Страница 56: ...Setting Up Multi Host NPort Server Pro User s Manual 5 11 6 Whenthe Complete window opens check the information to make sure that everything is correct and then click on Finish to continue...

Страница 57: ...r to add access permission so that you may make modifications to the server Note The NPort Pro Manager title bar shows the application mode of the newly installed server Multi Host in this case 9 To a...

Страница 58: ...umaychangethenameofallserverssimultaneously providedyouwanttheCOMport numberstobeconsecutive or youmaychangethenamesoneportatatime Theprocedureisas follows Change All COM Names Consecutively 1 Click o...

Страница 59: ...on Note The screen at the right shows the display after un mapping ports 3 and 5 Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware Moxacontinuallyupgradesitsdriversoftwareand serverfirmwaretokeeppacewiththeever exp...

Страница 60: ...NT 95 98 host s hard drive and then install the new one Configuring Server Properties TheServerPropertiesfunctioncanbeusedtochangetheserver sname password andtransmission parameters ChooseServerProper...

Страница 61: ...sword youwillnotbeaskedtoenterthepasswordwhen modifyingserverpropertiesfromthiscomputer Note Keep in mind that other people using your computer will also have ready access to the NPort Pro Manager fun...

Страница 62: ...cefromtheboard SettoDisabletoavoiddatalosswhencommunicatingwithplaincommunicationdevicesusingS W flowcontrol InthiscaseonlyonebytewillbeputintotheUARTwhentheFIFOisempty Access Control Itispossibletoas...

Страница 63: ...adding new hosts The next two sections describe how to add hosts using both approaches Configuring Through View by IP UsingtheviewaccesscontrollistbyIPaddressoptiondisplaystheaccesscontrollistbylistin...

Страница 64: ...appropriate text box To add access for a group of computers selecta group of computer and then enter the IP address and netmask E g for network class C computers you might enter 192 168 1 0 for IP ad...

Страница 65: ...Control page 8 The ports granted access to will be listed under the host s IP address Click OKto finish and then choose Save Configuration to activate the settings Modifying the Host Settings 1 Select...

Страница 66: ...o User s Manual 5 21 3 Modify the configuration as desired 4 Click OKto exit Removing Ports from a Granted Host 1 Select the IP address of the host you would like to modify 2 Click on the Port that yo...

Страница 67: ...from the host s access control Removing a Granted Host Ifyoudonotallowaparticularhosttouseanyoftheports simplyremovethehostfromthelist Note If you empty the access control list then by default only t...

Страница 68: ...t IP Address to a Specific Port 1 Click on the Port you would like to add a host to 2 Click on Add IP 3 To add access for only one computer selecta single computer and then enter the host s IP address...

Страница 69: look at the Access Control page to verify that the host was added to the port 6 Click OKto finish Modifying a Granted Host 1 Click on the port whose host you would like to modify 2 Click on the IP...

Страница 70: s Manual 5 25 Note The modification will only be valid for this port Removing a Granted Host 1 Click on the port whose host you would like to remove 2 Click on the IP address you want to delete and...

Страница 71: ......

Страница 72: ...devicesataremotesite Wecoverthefollowingtopics q Driver and Software Installation q Using NPort Pro Manager Saving Your Configuration Adding an NPort Server Pro Add Server Wizard Deleting a Server Mod...

Страница 73: ...Host Configuring Through View by Port Adding a Host IP Address to a Specific Port Modifying a Granted Host Removing a Granted Host q Adding Routes to NPort Server Pro Adding Routes Through Server Pro...

Страница 74: 6 1 A remote control link diagram Note If you need to set up Single Host Mode or Multi Host Mode refer to Chapters 4 and 5 respectively for complete descriptions of these types of application NT TC...

Страница 75: ...f disk that was provided From the Windows NT 95 98 desktop click on Startand then choose Run 2 Type A setup in the Open input box if using drive A and then click OK replace A with the correct drive le...

Страница 76: ...ext to continue 5 The Select Destination Directory window gives you the option to change the directory that program files will be copied to Click on Next to copy NPort Server Pro files to the given de...

Страница 77: ...the installation process has completed Click on Next to continue Note If you click on Cancel you will need to run Add Server Wizard at a later time to install your NPort Server Pro 8 Clicking on Next...

Страница 78: ...model numbersdisplayedintheleftinfobox WhenaparticularNPortServerProishighlighted theports associatedwiththatserver theassociatedCOMportnames andotherrelevantinformation are shownintherightinfobox NPo...

Страница 79: ...e toolbar Save all Servers icon to automatically detect any changes and save them in the appropriate places Adding an NPort Server Pro Add Server Wizard The Add Server Wizard is activated automaticall...

Страница 80: ...use the mouse to highlight the server Model and then click on Next to continue Note If the server you want to add is not listed in the above window you will receive the warning window shown below Chec...

Страница 81: ...ED on the listed server will start blinking allowing you to identify it 3 If you are the system administrator and know the current password or if you are setting up a new password selectYes I am the a...

Страница 82: the number if needed and then click on Next to continue 5 Select the COM port name that you would like the first port on the server to map to This will add all of NPort Server Pro s ports 8 or 16 d...

Страница 83: ...r s Manual 6 Whenthe Complete window opens check the information to make sure that everything is correct and then click on Finish to continue 7 This evokes the NPort Pro Manager program with the newly...

Страница 84: ...stalled server Custom in this case 9 To add another server choose Add Server Wizardfrom the Server menu or click on the toolbar Add Server icon and then repeat the above steps 10 Before exiting NPort...

Страница 85: would like to modify 2 Click on port 1 in the right info box 3 Choose Map Portfrom the Port menu or click on the toolbar MapPort icon to activate the function 4 Select the COM name that the first...

Страница 86: ...adesitsdriversoftwareandserverfirmwaretokeep pacewiththeever expandingworldofcomputing YoucanusetheUpgrade functionlocatedonNPortProManager stoolbartocarryouttheupgrade procedure AccessMoxa sWebsiteat...

Страница 87: ...e toolbarPropertiesfunction 1 Select the General tab in the Server Properties window 2 ModifytheServerName Server IP andNetmask asneeded 3 Select Enable or Disable for DHCP depending on whether or not...

Страница 88: ...erties Server Properties Transmission TheTransmissionpageallowstheusertosettheTransm issionModeandTxFIFOoptionsforeach ofNPortServerPro sports Transmission Mode SelectHi Performancetousebufferingtechn...

Страница 89: ...on authorized forthatport AfterrunningAddServerWizardandtypinginyourpasswordshowingthatyouarethe administrator youaregrantedaccesstotheserveryouhaveadded Youmaygotoserverproperties tocheckthat However...

Страница 90: ...erver Adding Access Permission of One Host Ifaparticularhostispermittedaccesstoallportsonaspecificserver werecommendthatyou configureusingtheviewaccesscontrollistbyIPaddressoption 1 Click on the Acces...

Страница 91: ...Add Portwindow opens up highlight the port s that the host will be granted access to Note You can select blocks of ports by holding down the left mouse button while scolling through the list of ports...

Страница 92: listed under the host s IP address Click OKto finish and the choose Save Configuration to activate the settings Modifying the Host Settings 1 Select the IP address of the host you would like to mod...

Страница 93: ...Host 1 Select the IP address of the host you would like to modify 2 Click on the Port you would like to remove from the list 3 Click on Remove and then click OKto exit As you can see from the window s...

Страница 94: ...onotallowaparticularhosttouseanyoftheports simplyremovethehostfromthelist Note If you empty the access control list then by default only the connecting host s IP address is granted 1 Click on the host...

Страница 95: ...t IP Address to a Specific Port 1 Click on the Port you would like to add a host to 2 Click on Add IP 3 To add access for only one computer selecta single computer and then enter the host s IP address...

Страница 96: the Access Control page to verify that the host was added to the port 6 Click OKto finish Modifying a Granted Host 1 Click on the port whose host you would like to modify 2 Click on the IP address...

Страница 97: ...delete and then click on Remove 3 Click OKto finish Adding Routes to NPort Server Pro ToenableaccessfromanInternet Intranethost firstmakesureyourNPortServerProcanbe connectedthroughtheInternet Youmay...

Страница 98: ...User s Manual 6 27 Adding Routes Through Server Properties 1 Select the Advancedtab in the Server Properties window and then click on Add 2 Enter the Destination Gateway Netmask and Metric as needed...

Страница 99: ...odifying Routes 1 Select the Advancedtab in the Server Properties window 2 Click on the route setting you would like to modify to highlight it 3 Click on Modify and then make any necessary modificatio...

Страница 100: ...Configurations Configuring Router for Internet Connection Someroutershavethecapabilitytolearnroutesautomatically ToensurethatyourInternet connectionwillworkproperly youcanconsideraddingtherouteswithou...

Страница 101: Connection InthemorecomplexcaseinwhichNPortServerProconnectstoboththeInternetandIntranet you willneedtoaddtworoutestotheserver Figure 6 4 Scheme for NPort Server Pro connecting to the Intranet and...

Страница 102: ...Pro User s Manual 6 31 IfyouareunderthesameenvironmentasshownabovebutyourNPortServerProonlyneedstobe accessedbytheprivatenetworkasopposedtotheglobalInternet thenjustaddthefirstroutetothe server Inthis...

Страница 103: ......

Страница 104: ...ty Toolbar Functions NPort Server General Info Search All NPort Servers Connect to an NPort Server Pro Upgrade Firmware q NPort Server Monitor Toolbar Functions Configuring NPort Monitor Save Configur...

Страница 105: ...rver Pro User s Manual q NPort Pro Diagnostic Toolbar Functions Configuration Viewer Status and Diagnose Test Initiation Printing Saving the Configuration Exiting NPort Pro Diagnostic q Uninstalling t...

Страница 106: ...reUtilitytocarryouttheupgrade procedure AccessMoxa sWebsiteatwww moxa comtodownloadtherequiredcomputerfile contactoursalesdepartmentifyouneedassistancewiththis andthenfollowtheseinstructions 1 To star...

Страница 107: ...barfunctions NPort Server General Info TheGeneralInfofunctioncanbeusedtodisplaybasicinformationaboutaspecificNPortServer Pro Toapplythefunction dothefollowing 1 Click on the server you would like to o...

Страница 108: ...hat can be modified are displayed in a text input box 5 Make modifications as needed and then click OK to close the window Search All NPort Servers TheSearchallNPortServers functioncanbeusedtosearchth...

Страница 109: ...he servers located by the search will be listed in the info box Connect to an NPort Server Pro TheConnectanNPortServerfunctioncanbeusedtomanuallyconnecttoaspecificNPortServer Pro 1 Choose Connectfrom...

Страница 110: ...he toolbar Upgrade firmware icon 4 The Upgrade NPort Server window opens Either type the upgrade file name in the text input box or use the Browse button to navigate to the folder containing the softw...

Страница 111: ...ed to configure your server before using any of the NPort Server Monitor toolbar functions Refer to the next section for instructions on how to configure Toolbar Functions Inthissectionwedescribehowto...

Страница 112: ...Note There are three tabs Select Port Select Item and General located at the top of the window The Select Port page will be opened by default and the program will find all NPort Server Pros currently...

Страница 113: ...eft hand corner of the Monitor configuration window 5 Click on the Select Item tab to open the list of options shown below This function is provided so that you can select monitoring items according t...

Страница 114: ...o IP Address and Port No will also be displayed Save Configuration Thisfunctionisprovidedsothatyoucansaveneworupdatedconfigurationsforfutureuseafter makingmodificationstothemonitoringprogram Tosaveaco...

Страница 115: ...eviouslysavefile Toloadasavedconfigurationfile dothefollowing refertothefigureintheprevioussubsection 1 Choose Load Configuration from the File menu or click on the toolbar Load Configuration icon 2 N...

Страница 116: ...isplayed ChecktheHelpmenutofindadditional informationaboutusingthisprogram NPortServerMonitorwillusedifferentcolorstoindicatethestatusoftheports Black means that the port is currently hooked up to you...

Страница 117: ...2 Choose Port Status from the Monitor menu or click on the toolbar Port Status icon 3 Click OKto return to the NPort Server Monitor window Refresh Monitor This function is provided to allow you to man...

Страница 118: on the toolbar Reset Port icon to reset the port Note If you have previously set up the security password using NPort Pro Manager a Reset Port dialog box will open requesting a password before r...

Страница 119: ...password before resetting the port If you did not set up the security password the following dialog box will not be displayed 3 Enter the correct password and then click OK Exiting NPort Server Monito...

Страница 120: ...ProDiagnostictoolbarfunctions Configuration The first time you run NPort Server Diagnostics you will need to choose configuration settings by selecting target servers ports and diagnostics items 1 To...

Страница 121: ...wn button and choose the desired server and then press Enter to select If the server you re looking for is not on the list click on Search to let the program search the network for all connected NPort...

Страница 122: ...nyTest Items or Communication Parameters click OKto return to the NPort Server Diagnostics window Otherwise continue the configuration process described in the next sub sections Test Item Selection 1...

Страница 123: ...lays test result of the RTS and CTS signals between two ports o DTR g DSR Displays test result of the DTR and DSR signal between two ports o DTR g DCD Displays test result of the DTR and DCD signal be...

Страница 124: ...Installation and Configuration NPort Server Pro User s Manual 7 21 Exiting Config Click OK in the bottom right corner of the Diagnostic Config window to return to the NPort Server Diagnostics window...

Страница 125: ...splayed is server name IP address model number serial number and firmware version The port information displayed is the COM name COM3 in the example below serial port interface and current port status...

Страница 126: ...ere done 4 The report will be displayed in the Test Reportinfo box Items that tested okay will be marked with a green OK Error codes are in red To check error messages with corresponding error codes c...

Страница 127: ...uration Thisfunctionallowsyoutosavethediagnosticreportina txtfileforfuturereference 1 Click on the test object in the To be tested info box 2 ChooseSave Reportfrom the File menu or click on the toolba...

Страница 128: ...rverPros youmayusethe UninstallNPortServerutilitytouninstallthedriverandsoftware ToactivateUninstallNPortServerPro clickon 1 Start Programs NPort Server Pro Uninstall NPort Server Pro 2 To completely...

Страница 129: ...7 26 NPort Server Pro User s Manual 3 Click on Finish to complete the uninstall procedure...

Страница 130: ...IPaddressfromthisapplicationtype Ifatsomepointduringthe server soperationyoufinditnecessarytochangetheIPaddress sharetheportswithanother NT 95 98server orinitiatesometypeofremotecontrolfunction youwil...

Страница 131: ......

Страница 132: ...s 2000 operating system The installation and configuration procedure is substantially different than for Windows NT 95 98 ME so read carefully We discuss the following topics q Windows 2000 Driver Int...

Страница 133: ...u have previously installed and then uninstalled an NPort Server Pro on your system you will need to run the Add Remove Hardware Wizard twice once to install NPort Server Pro itself and then once to i...

Страница 134: ...ct the Add Troubleshoot a device option and then click on Next to continue 5 Windows 2000 will spend some searching for a device that is connected directly to your computer Keep in mind however that t...

Страница 135: ...t Server Pro User s Manual 6 Select Add a new device and then click on Next to continue 7 Choose the No I want to select the hardware from a list option from the next window and then click on Next to...

Страница 136: ...serial adapters and then click on Next to continue 9 The Select a device driver window displays a list of manufacturers and products If Moxa s name is not listed you will need to click on Have Disk a...

Страница 137: ...rver Pro driver During the installation shown here the driver was located on the A drive so the next step is to click OK Note from the second figure that the driver name is NPSERVER 11 The next window...

Страница 138: ...allation window should verify that you have chosen the correct driver Click on Next to continue 13 You may safely ignore any admonitions such as Digital Signature Not Found Simply click on Next to con...

Страница 139: ...ndow lists all NPort Server Pro units that are currently connected to your network Select the server you wish to install or manually enter an IP address of your server if it does not show up in the li...

Страница 140: port should be installed automatically In this case you may skip this section and continue to the section NPort Server Pro Properties If this is the first time that anyone has installed an NPort Se...

Страница 141: ...t Server Pro driver During the installation shown here the driver was located on the A drive so the next step is to click OK Note from the second figure that the driver name is NPORT 4 The next window...

Страница 142: ...e installation procedure NPort Server Pro Properties NPort Server Pro s configuration parameters such as IP address COM port number etc are easily changed from within the Windows 2000 system s device...

Страница 143: ...Manual 2 Select the Hardware tab and then click on Device Manager 3 Click on the plus sign to the left of Multi port serial adapters and then double click on MOXA NPort Server Pro DE 303 or DE 308 to...

Страница 144: ...ameter settings for your NPort Server Pro Most of the system settings are accessed by clicking on Settings see the NPort Server subsection below The COM port number can be changed by clicking on Ports...

Страница 145: ...wing items Server Name Choose an appropriate name for NPort Server Pro The default name is simply NP followed by the serial number IP Address Check with your network administrator Netmask 255 255 0 0...

Страница 146: ...ord automatically stored by your operating system The Interface Setting page shows the current Serial Port interface setting You must use the DIP switch settings on NPort Server Pro s front panel to m...

Страница 147: can be used to allow access to NPort Server Pro s serial port The process of adding and removing IP addresses is straightforward although three comments are in order You may add access by IP Addres...

Страница 148: ...allow access to a group of computers In the example shown here computers connected to the same LAN as NPort Server Pro and with IP addresses of the form 192 168 xxx xxx will all be given access More s...

Страница 149: ...9 18 NPort Server Pro User s Manual Click on Modify Setting to make changes Use the following window to change the Port Number Transmission Mode and TxFIFO DE 303 COM3 COM18...

Страница 150: ...rt Server Pro User s Manual 9 19 Driver The Driver page displays important information about the driver Use the buttons at the bottom of the window for Driver Details Uninstall the driver or Update Dr...

Страница 151: ......

Страница 152: ...rogramming Problems q LED Descriptions Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting Cannot use the first computer installed with the Single Host NPort Pro Manager to access NPort Server Pro Forsecur...

Страница 153: ...ost Mode users are only allowed to modify the server s name and password This is because Single Host users are not sharing their NPort Server Pro with other hosts If you do need to modify other proper...

Страница 154: ...onnected to the network 4 Double click on the server icon that has the question mark on top This will evoke NPort Pro Manager to reconnect with the server Iftheserverisatremotesite 1 Make sure the net...

Страница 155: ...8 to the dedicated IP address 5 Modify the Security list to include your NT 95 98 host 6 Save Configuration Programming Problems Win32 COMM API functions return fail or the PComm Pro library functions...

Страница 156: ...ogramsshould 1 Try to re open the port if the fail code is returned during the open i e sio_open session 2 If the fail code returns while writing data reading data changing settings etc you should clo...

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Страница 158: ...Withtheserialcommunicationlibrary youcandevelopsystemsfordatacommunication remote access dataacquisitionorindustrialcontrolintheWindowsNTandWindows95 98environment PCommProoffersaneasiersolutionascomp...

Страница 159: ...Eliminates the need to use the more complicated Microsoft Win32 API q Easy to develop q Easy to debug q Quick time to market q Portable API investment guaranteed Formoreinformation checkthePCommProCDi...

Страница 160: ...umayusewithNPortServerPro andincludesinformation neededtomakeyourowncable Wecoverthefollowingtopics q 10 100BaseT Port Pinouts q Asynchronous Port Pinouts q CN20040 RJ45 to Male DB25 RS 232 Cable Pino...

Страница 161: ...C 2 NPort Server Pro User s Manual Asynchronous Port Pinouts ListedbelowarethepinoutsfortheasynchronousportonNPortServerPro...

Страница 162: ...Cable Pinouts NPortServer Pro User s Manual C 3 CN20040 RJ45 to Male DB25 RS 232 Cable Pinouts...

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Страница 164: ...etcardandTCP IPprotocolinstalled Ifyourcomputerdoesnotalreadyhavean Ethernetcardinstalled youwillneedtopurchaseone andthenfollowtheinstructionsprovidedby theEthernetcardmanufacturertoinstallandsetupth...

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Страница 166: ...______________ 5 PC Host Make _________ Model _________ 6 CPU Speed _____MHz Make ______ Model ____ 7 Ethernet Card o ISA Card Make__________ o PCI Card Make __________ 8 Your Installation Type o Sing...

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Страница 168: ...e or dealer Fill out the Problem Report Form PRF Include as much detail as possible for a shorter product repair time Carefully pack the product in an anti static package and send it pre paid to the d...
