Loopback Header
NPort 4511 comes with an RS-232 loopback header as a standard accessory. The
loopback header, which can be used to test NPort 4511’s data transmission,
connects the TxD pin to the RxD pin, the DSR pin to the DTR pin, and the CTS
pin to the RTS pin (see the
RS-232 Pinouts and Loopback Tester
section above
for the wiring diagram).
Mini Adapter
NPort 4511 was designed with a built-in D-shell female serial connector, which
most serial devices also have. In order to make it easier for our customers to
attach NPort 4511 to any serial device, a DB9 (male) to DB9 (male) mini
null-modem adapter is included as a standard accessory with NPort 4511.
Null-Modem Adapter
Null-Modem Adapter and NPort 4511
After the mini adapter is
attached, the pin assignments
are as shown here
DB9 Male