STEP 15: Glue the 3/32" balsa hatch onto the 3/32" balsa hatch braces, as
shown. Use thick CA or a slower setting glue. Use a weight to hold the bend in
the hatch while the glue dries. Glue in the 1/16" plywood hatch latches in place,
as shown. Glue 1 magnet in place, as shown, flush with the bottom of the hatch.
STEP 16: Glue the 1/16" balsa tail
skid parts onto the 1/16" plywood
tail skid. Make sure you have them
lined up properly.
STEP 17: Glue the 3/32" balsa tail
center parts together, as shown. Use
the holes and 1/8" dowel to properly
align the parts.
STEP 18: Glue the 1/8" Lt. Ply
landing gear mount parts together.
Make usre the outside edges are