IX34208a_e.doc / Aug-09
Page 28 / 40
Round-Loop Function
This mode of operation is used frequently with rotating round tables or similar applications,
where the absolute encoder information is only used for a limited and repeating range of the
encoder (like one revolution of the table, which must not at the same time mean one revolution
of the encoder shaft). The Round-Loop Function never uses any negative display values.
The Round-Loop Function allows assigning a programmable number of encoder steps to one full
360º rotation of the table. To avoid miscounting when passing the mechanical overflow of the
encoder range, the total encoder resolution should be an integer multiple of the number of
steps for one loop.
For setup, please proceed first like shown under section 5.4.1.
Then set register ““r-LooP” to the number of steps corresponding to one revolution of the table.
You are free to scale the display to any engineering units desired, by setting the scaling factors
Where you like to scale your display with the aangular display format 359º59’, just change the
“Display” register from “0” to “359,59”. This will also automatically disable the general scaling
The subsequent diagram shows the round loop function with a 13 bit encoder, where one table
revolution corresponds to 2048 encoder steps and where the zero position is set to 1024.
r-LooP = 2048
0-PoS = 1024
Original encoder signal
Round-Loop display
Encoder 13Bit
Direction = 0
0-Position = 1024
r-Loop = 2048
Round-Loop operation with 2048 steps / revolution when using of a 13 bit encoder