MOTOYAMA EA10S Скачать руководство пользователя страница 19








odel EA


4.5. In

(1)  Conne



(2)  Pointe


by tig


(3)  Brack

(4)  Positio



(5)  Instru




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of feedback s

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Model 2900 a

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r bolt 

g washer 

ection shaft 

g washer 

ector pin 







Содержание EA10S

Страница 1: ...Int M ellige M MOTOY ent V Mode YAMA INST Valve el EA ENG W TRU e Pos A10S WORK UCTIO B sition S KS LTD ON M Bulletin No ner D MAN o MIE B611 UAL 11D L...

Страница 2: ...confo i AMA Intellige ts performan referred at instruction y for control v al of EA10S ment and upg If there are TOYAMA sal manual des shall call yo mportant info al endangerm ning is not o ution is n...

Страница 3: ...w onformance pplicable reg rohibition of M Explosion Maintenance d epairs asteners ameplate ind Construction nformation ose ard specifica l Code Struc m configurat of operation EPSI KCs a with instru...

Страница 4: ...diti ocation of ins nvironmenta nstallation ch ation to linea llation to rota connection g and wiring matic piping rical wiring n king before c ion of button k calibration are configura mode O CAL UAL...

Страница 5: ...e conditio egulatio ch are applied osive atmosp 0 Equipme osive atmos 1 Equipme EK 12 0037X 34 EU ANNEX osive atmosp 0 Equipme osive atmosp 1 Equipme 2ATEX0105X 009X O 0065X OSH TR 46 2 X f chang modi...

Страница 6: ...ers that are re 0 ARNING WARNIN 2 ns for in umental dev ble gases o l be avoided quipment gro IIC operati losive gasse ossible to ch n without ope not to genera nstrumental d fe location pairs shall b...

Страница 7: ...used is i L on transmitte structio e dication attached on plate is attach aning spec code ode shall be m above icated DC 4 h can be appl range in wh ndicated LS3R er current is n 3 n top of positio he...

Страница 8: e of packing 0 1 upling and un 2 as standar d for electric satisfy requir pter is screw gth of thread 10mm or long arked on NPT arked on M2 TIIS roof apparatu neously cert above mode use polyethyl...

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Страница 10: ...are ind eferred to nu ted DC 4 to an be applied ch product ca 6 operati losive gases EA10S ossible to ch n without ope re should be nstrumental o a safe locat epairs shall b ork with gene S includes...

Страница 11: ...T Plug sealing ormally seal plug and co for the positio blanking plu he position de t side 7 The conduit c g conduit co ed with a bla onnect it to co on transmitte ug must rem transmitter connection B...

Страница 12: ...le various func ns L Max x I Flamep Flamep Flamep Flamep Flamep Explos Class P66 000 4 5 Perfo 4 or NPT 1 or M20x1 5 ad 130mm 60 to 0 F S 0 F S 2 F S 3 F S min Nor Sup 1 min Nor Sup 1 xplosion prote x...

Страница 13: ...r Piping 2 4 Sy A10S odel Cod pe Type cation Connection stem co de Stru Spec Linear mo Single ac HART co Position t Rc1 4 onfigura cture cifications otion Rotary tion ommunicatio ransmitter 4 ation 9...

Страница 14: ...for controlling s magnetic flu torque is gen result air pr accordingly A D LCD rocessor D A 10 erati manual oper and transmitt al depending e signal prop g valve trave ux of armatu nerated in th ress...

Страница 15: ...Mo 4 odel EA 4 Ins 4 1 Ma A10S stalla ajor dim ation mension n s 11 Unit mm The fee 40mm m 60 90 edback lever f is useful for ro 60 to for stroke of otary valve to o 90 oo...

Страница 16: ...ature is e ction from sp ocation exp ur sales offic 12 ion osion protect of these devic ition r location of i n explosion pr 20 to 8 on measure expected du pecial cond posed to dra ce or agent in tion...

Страница 17: ...ssure ga care not to g Bracket For 2900 Connecto back lever cket or 3800 dback lever ector pin hecking ecifications e ached on pos is some dam racket Stem Bracket Stem Bracket Con e auges adapt give a...

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Страница 19: ...uld be fixe en or air failur pointer indic ction shaft a actuator to bracket d to bracket of feedback s be installed Model 2900 a 15 otion ac ould be put valve shaft ed re to close s cates correct nd...

Страница 20: ...d onne g system g nectors for su should be con nnector shou d be general connections inants like w tly before pi dified dust 16 ectio ms upply air SU nstructed to ld be constru 6 4 or 8 6 are free fro...

Страница 21: ...nd equipped wi may not dire positioner d when influ e based on th en out after lo terminal bloc crewed and ting connecti transmission ecting a gro external grou onnected by ed in such a external grou...

Страница 22: ...e should b calibra process sys accompanies ons LCD monitor ed by opera ned and L he left is as t next menu o evious menu tem or fix pa s of paramete 18 all not be op hile the powe sive gases pened for...

Страница 23: ...of quick c alibration of p n is indicated be connected ssed continuo ountdown as hen STEP1 status in the GET_MAX leted when y go back to erse action ac uld be presse g rated strok ter countdow d when...

Страница 24: ...Mo odel EA 6 4 So Softw Oper A10S oftware c ware of positi ation can be configu oner EA10S e conducted b uration is configure by means of 20 ed as follows push button s...

Страница 25: itor is showin ut signal from ds of status gory alue V In In Value M V D S hould be pre d Pressing libration with es to compl Control p o positioner E ng that curre m outside D indication ar Valve...

Страница 26: ...n w d for recalibr e e operation w S is installed ve operation This auto cal ss ER ec ss ER ec ss ER ss ER ec ss ER 22 will be recalib ration with va will be calibra d on valve n will be cali ibration...

Страница 27: ...y of RUN mo ve operation nual mode y pressing change fast d twice when ss ER ec ss ER ss ER ec ss ER ss ER ec 23 ner will be se BIAS calibra hanged y will be acqu ode during va n independen button in...

Страница 28: ...arget va he constant t be shortene unting ameters to ch within 1 St s 120 of ori me interval in y to change 24 ected by con me cases su calibrating PI ne DEADZO gration contr cking hunting travel can...

Страница 29: ...res ENTE pres ESC pres ENTE 5 se select pres ESC ne DEADZO onal gain K ss ER ec ss ER ss C ss ER ec t by ss C 25 ONE KP select pres ESC adjust pres ENTE select pres ENTE pres ESC twic t by ss C t by s...

Страница 30: ...ENTE 5 se select pres ESC select pres ESC constant K tial constan ss ER ec ss ER ec t by ss C t by ss C 26 KI nt KD select select pres ENTE pres ESC twic pres ENTE pres ESC twic t by t by ss ER ss C c...

Страница 31: ...sitio ester to confi atically comp ase that prec so enables p position indic cludes follow point close 0 point op 4 mA for pos t 20 mA for n transmitter n indication i irm current a 27 pleted most cis...

Страница 32: ...s ENTE 5 se pres ENTE 5 se pres ESC twic select pres ESC pres ENTE RO D ss ER ec ss ER ec ss C e t by ss C ss ER 28 select select adjust pres ENTE pres ENTE pres ESC twic t by t by t by ss ER ss ER ss...

Страница 33: ENTE 5 se select pres ESC RO D ss ER ec t by ss C ss ER ec t by ss C 29 select pres ENTE pres ESC twic select pres ENTE pres ESC twic t by ss ER ss C ce t by ss ER ss C ce pres ENTE pres ENTE adjus...

Страница 34: ...elect pres ENTE pres ENTE 5 se select pres ENTE ORM REVS ORM REVS ss ER ec t by ss ER ss ER ec t by ss ER 30 select pres ENTE pres ESC select pres ENTE pres ESC t by ss ER ss C t by ss ER ss C pres EN...

Страница 35: ...n of ction of cont racteristic ser s definitio sition at full o sition at full c rrent corresp rrent corresp ection of actu stem goes d n with incre tem goes up motion with e this param ess TER sec es...

Страница 36: ...output air p is NORM ing POS pr EN 5 s sele pr EN ection of pos ressure of po ressure of po ess TER sec ect by ess TER 32 itioner ositioner incr ositioner dec reases with i creases with sele pr EN pr...

Страница 37: DA ing VALVE pres ENTE 5 se select pres ENTE ection of valv valve stem go alve shaft ro valve stem go alve shaft ro ss ER ec t by ss ER 33 ve oing down li otating clockw oing up linea otating count...

Страница 38: ...tom O Quick o R User s rmal setting i le of changi ssible to se f positioner percentage percentage mized for valv opening definition s LIN ing CHAR pr EN 5 s sele pr EN et flow cont ve 92 A ess TER se...

Страница 39: ...Valve t Valve t Valve t Valve t Valve t 35 teristic nts from P 0 s in each poi f input by se travel at travel at travel at travel at travel at travel at travel at travel at travel at travel at travel...

Страница 40: ...changi ing USER S pr EN 5 s sele pr ES tw pr EN in sim up to SET ess TER sec ect by ess SC wice ess TER put ilarly o P 17 36 sele pr EN set by pr EN ect by ress TER value ress TER pr EN set va pr EN...

Страница 41: ...sele p E ater calculation m h means that o RC when t played as a v is EQ travel 20 erence travel the valve tra travel 20 erence travel d the valve ayed as 45 ress NTER sec ect by press NTER 37 method...

Страница 42: ...effec ing TSHUT pr EN 5 s sele pr EN input value w ich means th ctive when a T OP ess TER sec ect by ess TER 38 where contro hat this functi parameter le ol valve is ful ion is practic ess than 100 se...

Страница 43: ...hangi ble to set an is 0 3 ecomes void ing TSHUT pr EN 5 s sele pr EN input value w when a para T CL ess TER sec ect by ess TER 39 where contro ameter of 0 ol valve is ful is input sele pr EN pr E ly...

Страница 44: ...mal setting i le of changi ble to set an is 4 0 mA ing SIG ZE pr EN 5 s sele pr EN input current RO ess TER sec ect by ess TER 40 t which corre esponds to 0 sele pr EN pr E output ect by ress TER ress...

Страница 45: ...l setting i le of changi ble to set an is 20 0 mA ing SIG EN pr EN 5 s sele pr EN input current ND ess TER sec ect by ess TER 41 t which corre esponds to 1 sele pr EN pr E 00 output ect by ress TER re...

Страница 46: ...nt v easurement lue reset easurement lue reset eviation alarm 42 n 1 5 itioner to me he total clos eds the set th the time of c occurrence measuremen value reset setting of tra setting of ful m settin...

Страница 47: ...TER press ENTER 5 sec press press ENTER atus An example Cycle Coun OFF No a Deviation A ON Alarm An exam All alarms No alarm h 43 e where only nt Alarm larm occurred Alarm occurred mple where are OFF...

Страница 48: ...ress ESC Three times press ENTER 5 sec select by select by press ESC Three time of times that en the value CNT Turn T Check t s 44 the valve op exceeds the n on the mea urn over tim peration direc e n...

Страница 49: ...NTER press ESC select by press ENTER press ESC NT Chang ad zone ar CNT Rese 45 ge dead zone re not count et measured e from 1 to ted d value set va by press ENTER press ESC Three tim select press ESC...

Страница 50: ...ESC press ENTER 5 sec NT Turn o NT Chang CNT become 46 on the alarm ge threshold es bigger th m function d from 1 000 han this va set valu by select b press ESC Three tim select b press ENTER press E...

Страница 51: ...R 5 sec press ESC Three times press ENTER 5 sec press ESC Three times select by select by select by ation ol valves trav he rated trave en the value C Turn on Check trave s 47 vel change el exceeds th...

Страница 52: ...sec select by press ESC select by press ENTER press ESC C Change zone is not C Reset m 48 e dead zone accumulat measured va from 1 to ed alue set value by press ESC Three time select by press ESC Thre...

Страница 53: ...ress ENTER select by C Turn on C Change CNT becom 49 n the alarm f e threshold f mes bigger function from 1 000 0 r than this v set valu by select by press ESC Three time select by press ENTER press E...

Страница 54: ...5 sec press ESC Three times press ENTER 5 sec press ESC Three times select by select by select by of times that en the value L CNT Tur ll close time 50 the valve ful exceeds the rn on the me es lly cl...

Страница 55: ...ress ENTER press ESC press ESC select by T Change n the dead T Reset m 51 dead zone f zone range measured val from 1 to 2 e it is judge lue press ESC Three tim select by press ESC Three time select by...

Страница 56: press ENTER press ESC T Turn on T Change CNT becom 52 the alarm f threshold fr mes bigger unction rom 1 000 0 r than this v set value by select by press ESC Three tim press ESC Three time select b...

Страница 57: ...c select by press ESC select by select by press ENTER hen the dev or the pre se M Turn on M Change viation beco 53 viation betwe t time n the alarm f e threshold f omes bigge een input sig function fr...

Страница 58: ...ion th t press ENTER 5 sec press ESC press ENTER select by M Change hat the deviat 54 e time from 6 tion is bigger 60s to 30s r than the thr set valu by press ESC Three time press ENTER select by resh...

Страница 59: ositioner can n can be con number of th n of software n of HART p address alue alue tion time leng tion time of c tion time of c or setting no ndication nt integration erature inside nt location of...

Страница 60: ...A10S le of display y under VIE pr EN 5 s pr pr pr pr pre EW ess TER sec ess ess ess ess ess 56 sele pr pr pr pr pr ect by ress ress ress ress ess pr EN pr E tw pr pr pr pr ress NTER ress ESC wice res...

Страница 61: ...uto ca ng writes pr pr EN 5 s sele pr EN pr ES n with write prot NLOCK no alibration or c rotection ess TER sec ect by ess TER ess SC 57 tection funct o protection changing pa ion to protec changing r...

Страница 62: ...58 e rmality is fo ty is can be mes uncontr cause rong way ed horizonta rong way ed horizonta ugh signal f ration lever is too tinues longe ve friction g minimum limi g ction or degr cause o is 500 or...

Страница 63: ...of cked after co Period 1 0 wing of drain 59 which accom ucted after th ntribute to pr rring to the fo f period onfirming the of checking 2 approx onc mpanies par he positioner evention of n ollowing...

Страница 64: ...e when ent hole of g After checkin by performin test ocedure the positione o ltered pressu ng to the figu ng a wire thin se thinly and n reassemb asket ng each part ng the opera 60 er might caus ure r...

Страница 65: ...g c Abnormalit Abnormalit Manual sw set to M s Abnormalit mechanism Abnormalit mechanism Abnormalit mechanism Supply air properly Zero positio 61 ng formances ex ces are encou ubleshooti Cause al does...

Страница 66: ...parameter Abnormali sensor Abnormali Abnormali mechanism nstalled unde rmance occu 62 Cause ty in control data in posit setting of PID rs ty in position ty in control ty in feedbac m er several co urs...

Страница 67: ...Mo odel EA A10S 63...

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