RSGu3500 Residential Seamless Mobility Gateway User Guide
Overview Installation Troubleshooting
Specifications Glossary License
Basic Advanced TCP/IP Wireless
Remote Log – Router
You can forward logged events of a specified severity level or higher to a remote computer. Each log message is
assigned a severity level, which indicates how seriously the triggering event affects residential gateway functions.
Remote Log – Router fields
Log Level
Messages having the severity level you specify, or higher, are logged to the logging destination
you select. The levels are, in order of severity:
Panic — system panic or other condition that causes the residential gateway to stop functioning
Alert — conditions that require immediate correction, such as a corrupted system database
Critical — critical conditions, such as hard drive errors
Error — error conditions that generally have less serious consequences than panic, alert, or
critical errors
Warning — conditions that warrant monitoring
Notice — conditions that are not errors but might warrant special handling; this is the default
Log Level setting
Info — events or non-error conditions of interest
Debug — software debugging messages;
specify this level only when directed by a technical
support representative
Add an IP
Type the IP address of the remote host where you want log information sent and click
. You
can add multiple IP addresses using the Add button. Any IP address you add here appears in the
Select a logging destination drop-down list.
Select a logging
From the list, select the IP address to which you want the log information sent.