PMP 400/430 and PTP 200/230 Series
Motorola PMP Solutions User Guide Supplement
Issue 6.0 May 2011
Page 40 of 77
Procedure 1: Finding collocation values using Frame Calculators
Using the “Tools => Frame Calculator” on an OFDM module, enter the desired
Downlink Data %, Range, and Control Slot settings, click Calculate, and observe
the “Rec SEQ Start” value.
Using the “Tools => Frame Calculator” on an FSK module, enter the desired Downlink
Data %, Range, and Control Slot settings, click Calculate, and observe the “Rec
SEQ Start” value.
Iterate, usually adjusting the FSK Downlink Data % and the OFDM Downlink Data %
values by a few p
ercent each time, until the “Rec SEQ Start” times of all
collocated modules are within 300 bit times of each other.
Configure the OFDM modules using the resulting OFDM values, and the FSK
modules using the resulting FSK values.
The frame calculator page (FSK and OFDM) has been simplified with Release 10.3 to
show only information pertinent to co-location. It will now display AP TX end time and
AP RX start time which allows the operator to more easily calculate co-location duty