StockBoss Interactive for PageWriter/Timeport User’s Guide
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By installing, copying or using this software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license
agreement: The software, services and documentation are offered "as is" and without warranties as
to performance, accuracy of information or merchantability or other warranties whether expressed or
implied. All information is presented for informational purposes only, and any related financial
transactions should be made only with additional and independent advice and confirmation.
Software Incubators, Inc. reserves the right to revise the software, services and
documentation at any time without obligation to notify any party of such revisions.
You may not reverse assemble, de-compile, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive
source code (or the underlying ideas, algorithms, structure or organization) from the attached
software. Copyrights laws and international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws
protect this software and documentation. The software and documentation may not be exported
to any party subject to U.S. export restrictions.
StockBoss is a trademark of Software Incubators, Inc. PageWriter and Timeport are a trademark
of Motorola Inc. Software, services, and client/data center protocols have been developed and
supplied by Software Incubators Inc.