again, they can resume the Bluetooth
connection without user intervention.
Re-Pair Tim-
er Options
Re-Pair Timer Scenarios
(For MCW Ac-
cessories on-
When the radio is powered off,
pairing key is lost immediately,
and accessory attempts to pair
again. If pairing is unsuccessful
within the Drop Timer value, the
accessory automatically powers
When the accessory is powered
off, all keys are lost immediately,
and the user must re-pair the de-
When the device loses Bluetooth
connection, the device will at-
tempt to re-establish Bluetooth
Connection within the Drop Tim-
er value.
Infinite (For all
Bluetooth de-
When the radio is powered off,
the accessory attempts to re-es-
Re-Pair Tim-
er Options
Re-Pair Timer Scenarios
tablish the Bluetooth Connection
for a period of time depending
upon the Drop Timer value. If the
device fails to reconnect within
the period, the accessory then
powers off.
Bluetooth Drop Timer
The Bluetooth Drop Timer has two different settings
and functions, depending upon the selection of the
Re-Pair Timer.
Re-Pair Timer
(For MCW Ac-
cessories only)
0 – 15 minutes programmable buf-
fer time to re-establish the Blue-
tooth Connection when the Blue-
tooth signal is out of range.
If either device powers off, the pair-
ing keys are immediately cleared
Advanced Features