Troubleshooting - 163
What can I do to
extend battery
Your battery’s performance is
affected by charge time, feature use,
temperature changes, and other
factors. For tips on extending your
battery life, see “Battery Use” on
page 27.
I plugged the
data cable into
my phone but
my phone did
not beep. How
do I know if the
data cable is
ready to go?
The beep indicates that you are set
up correctly. If you did not hear a
beep, make sure that both ends of
the data cable are connected—the
smaller end to your phone and the
larger end to your computer.
Finally, your computer may have
deactivated the port to save power.
Try opening an application that uses
the port, like a fax or dial-up
application, and your computer will
automatically activate the port.
My phone
beeped when I
attached the
data cable, but
my fax and data
don’t work.
Some wireless networks may not
support data or fax transmission. If
you are roaming on an unfamiliar
network, this may be the case.
Also, remember that data and fax
transmission usually requires a
subscription. Call 3 for more