6881037B 20
Introduc tion
A 009
C omput er Pro gra m C opy rights
T he M otor ola pr oducts descr ibed i n this m anual m ay in clu de M otor ola c ompute r
pr ogr ams s tored i n semi conductor memor ies or other medi a t hat ar e copyr ighted
with a ll r igh ts r eser ved w or ldwide to M otor ola. L aws in th e U nite d St ate s and other
countr ies pr eser ve f or M otor ola , I nc. cer tain e xclus ive r ights to the copyr ighted
comput er pr ogr ams, including the exclusive ri ght t o copy, r epr oduce, m odify,
decompile, disassemble, and r ever se-engineer t he M otor ola computer pr ogr ams in
any m anne r or f orm without M otor ola's pr ior wr itten consent. Fu rt herm or e, the
pur chase of Mot orola pr oducts shall n ot be deemed to gr ant either dir ectly or by
implication, es toppel, or other wise, any l icense or r ights under t he copyr ights,
patents, or patent a ppli cati ons of M otor ola, except for a nonexclu sive license to use
the M otor ola pr oduct an d th e M otor ola c ompute r pr ogr ams w ith th e M otor ola
pr oduct.
A bout Thi s Ser vice Ma nu al
U sin g this ser vice m anual an d th e m any sug gestions c ont aine d in it assu r es p r oper
install ation, oper ation, and maintenance of A009 comm unicator s.
Refe r a ny questions a bout t his ma nual to the near est C ustomer S er vice Ma nager .
A pr oduct fa mi ly i s t he gr oup of pr oducts h aving the same account pr oduct code
(A P C ). To l ocate t he A P C on a device, re fer to " M echa nical S eri al N umber ( M S N )"
late r in th is manual.
Audien ce
T his document pr ovides as sista nce to ser vice per sonnel in testing and r epair in g
A009 comm unicator s. S er vice per sonnel s hould be famili ar with electronic assembly
testing, and tr oubleshooting methods, and with the operation a nd u se of a ssociated
test equipmen t.
Us e of t his documen t a ssur es pr oper installation, oper ation, a nd ma intenance of
M otor ola pr oducts a nd equipment. I t contain s al l se r vice in for mat ion r equir ed f or
the equipmen t descr ibed a nd i s cur r ent a s of the pr inting da te.
Sc op e
Th e s cope of this documen t i s t o pr ovide the r eader with basic i nformation r elating
to A009 commu nicators, a nd also to pr ovide pr ocedur es a nd pr ocesses for
r epair ing th e u nit s a t L evel 1 and 2 s er vice cente r s i ncludin g:
R epair ing of mechan ical fau lts
B asic m odular tr oubleshooting
T esting and ver ifi cation of u nit fu nctionalit
Unit Swapout
I niti atin g war r an ty clai ms a nd sendin g faulty m odules to L evel 3 r epair
centers .
Содержание A009
Страница 1: ...Level 3 Service Manual Model A009 GSM GPRS Technology Personal Interactive Communicator ...
Страница 2: ......
Страница 55: ...A009 CONTROLLER BOARD LAYOUT ...