Manuale Uso e Installazione
Operating and Installation Manual
Revisione 02 20092019 Doc.7.3.15
Caution: electrical safety limit switches are essential for safeguarding the intrinsic
safety of machinery whose movements must not be entrusted exclusively to the
electronic control of the SKA motor.
SKA COMPACT assembly surface
The motor must be supported by an adequately prepared surface to accommodate the SKA
COMPACT motor. The size of this surface must be calculated to cater for the weight of the
motor and the parts that will be mounted on it and precision machined to ensure the motor
rests on it perfectly (maximum error of flatness 0.2 mm).
If the full length of the motor is not fitted on a flat surface but on a frame or other structure,
the points supporting the motor must still have a flatness of 0.2 mm.
The recommended configuration for the structure supporting the motor is with areas for
supporting and securing it that result in 200 mm maximum projection of the motor (maximum
overhang) and 1 m maximum distance between the support points (maximum span).
Other configurations are possible but they must
be assessed and calculated by Motor Power
Company’s technical department. The above
applies to any fixing position, also for motors
blocked by side walls with respect to the table
and any other installation.