Most Modern Fan Co. products have been in our assortment for several
years or longer. As we continually work to improve product performance
and user experience, we occasionally introduce subtle (and sometimes
dynamic) product changes. These can affect the steps associated with
assembly and installation of our products depending on when a fan
was produced.
The instructions posted here are intended to represent our most current
product versions and configurations and the associated installation
steps. If your fan or parts of your fan do not appear to match what is
included here, please contact customer service for guidance and support
in identifying which version of a fan you may have and provision of the
associated installation instructions which correspond to that version.
If in doubt, or if you have any questions at all related to assembly,
installation or operation of your fan, please contact us!
A note about our
online installation instructions:
709 Washington Street, Ashland, OR 97520
tel 888-588-3267, fax 541-482-8418