9- Replace Quick Clear valve protective cap, and proceed with normal start up of
your Mosquito Magnet® Liberty Plus. If use of Quick Clear valve feature does not
resolve starting trouble, contact Customer Service 1-800-800-1819.
First hand-screw the Quick Clear adapter onto the valve. While holding the adapter in
place, screw the Quick Clear cartridge into Quick Clear adapter. To start cleaning
process, while holding Quick Clear Adapter in place, unscrew the Quick Clear cartridge
1/4 Turn Only.
Unscrew the Quick Clear cartridge first, then unscrew Quick Clear
adapter and discard the spent Quick Clear cartridge. Remember to keep the Quick Clear
adapter for future use.
Problem Possible
Unit won’t start
LED flashing
1) Propane tank may be
2) If the propane tank is new
and has been newly filled it
must be purged.
3) There could be a loose
4) If tank has been opened too
quickly, security check valve
may have triggered.
5) Fuel Line may be blocked
by propane contaminants.
Weigh tank and check against
“empty” weight written on tank.
2) Bring tank to filling location. Air
may be in fuel line. Ask for tank to
be purged. *Hint-If you have
another propane powered device
operating on a standard, 9 kg (201b)
propane tank, try hooking that tank
up to the Mosquito Magnet®
Liberty Plus to verify that your issue
is with your tank.
3) Verify all electrical connections.
Make sure regulator is fully
engaged, and propane tank valve is
fully open.
4) Refer to Reset Tool Instructions.
Use Quick Clear valve.
Unit won’t stay
1) Issues 1 and 3 may apply.
2) Fuel line may be blocked by
propane contaminants.
3) Regulator is not fully
1) Go through above steps 1 & 3.
2) See Quick-Clear valve
3) See Tank Changing Tips.