Morso 5660M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 32




The chimney and the flue pipe must be fitted with cleaning doors, which must be at least 

the same size as the chimney’s aperture area.

The chimney must be accessible for external inspection, and it must be possible to access 

the cleaning doors and the chimney if it is to be cleaned from the top (e.g. steel chimneys).

1.6 Connecting to a brick chimney

A flue-duct liner is bricked into the brick chimney, and 

the supplied strap is taped onto the flue duct about 12 

cm from the edge of the duct. The duct must not be 

inserted into the actual chimney opening, as you can 

go no further than to the interior side of the chimney 

embrasure. Ordinarily it will not be necessary to seal 

off pipe joints, if any.

If the flue pipe transitions from horizontal to verti-

cal, it is a good idea to install it with a gentle bend so 

as to avoid any loss of draught.

The flue pipe must be dimensioned in accordance 

with national and local regulations. Morsø recom-

mends, however, that flue pipes be made of 2 mm 

sheet steel as this will extend the service life.

1.7 Connecting to a steel chimney

If your installation involves taking the chimney straight up and through the ceiling, you must com-

ply with National, Local Building Regulations or flue manufacturers instructions concerning clear-

ances to combustible materials such as walls, floor joists and ceilings. The joint between the stove 

flue collar and the stovepipe must also be sealed using glass fibre rope. It is important that the 

insulated flue system is properly supported both at ceiling level and at roof level. 


ufacturer’s instructions). Excessive weight on the stove will inhibit expansion and could lead 

to damage of the stove top. Damage caused to the stove in this way would not be covered by 

the manufacturers guarantee.

If a chimney fire should occur as a result of incorrect operation of the stove or prolonged 

use of wet fuel, close the vents completely and contact the fire brigade.

Be aware of the following:

Cleaning procedure: Discuss this with chimney sweep or qualified installer prior 

to or during the stove installation

If there is insufficient draught in the chimney, it may be a good idea to install the 

flue pipe straight up so as to minimise smoke migration in the actual combustion 


Avoid having any more than 2 bends in the flue system and limit the length of the 

offset between bends.

Fresh air supply

A wood-burning stove requires air for combustion. As a result, firing a wood-burn







1 : 12










1 : 12








Zone: Rev.:






Drawing no.:


Til vejledning

Morsø 5660M






Date of print: 02-03-2018


U:\udv\Tegninger\5600\5600 Assembly.SLDASM

5600-184 a


This drawing is Morsø Jernstøberi A/S' property and must not be sold, lended or copied without any written authorization from the company.


Weight kg.:

Model no.


Location of file:





Содержание 5660M

Страница 1: ...MORSØ JERNSTØBERI A S DK 7900 NYKØBING MORS E Mail info morsoe com Website www morsoe com DK Opstillings og betjeningsvejledning UK Instructions for installation and use Morsø 5660M ...

Страница 2: Morsø ovn 5 2 0 Fyringsteknik Brugen af Deres ovn 15 3 0 Regelmæssig vedligeholdelse af ovnen 19 4 0 Tekniske data 21 UK 1 0 Installing your Morsø stove 24 2 0 Firing using the stove 34 3 0 Routine stove maintenance 38 4 0 HETAS amendments 40 ...

Страница 3: ...3 MORSØ JERNSTØBERI A S DK 7900 NYKØBING MORS E Mail stoves morsoe com Website www morsoe com Opstillings og betjeningsvejledning 5660M EN 13240 NS 3058 3059 ...

Страница 4: ...sbekendgørelsetrådteikraftden1 januar2008 Iforbindelsemedindførelsen afBrændeovnsbekendgørelsenerdetetkrav atdermedbrændeovnenfølgerenprøvningsattest der er udstedt af det akkrediterede prøvningsinstitut der har udført miljøafprøvningen på ovnen Prøvningsattesten er vedlagt i ovnen og skal opbevares af ejeren og følge ovnen i ovnens levetid Efter installation af brændeovnen og godkendelse af en sk...

Страница 5: ...t opstilling af skorstene Spørg evt Deres skorstensfejer til råds Det er dog Dem selv Deres tekniske rådgiver eller håndværker der er ansvarlig for at de nationale og lokale bestemmelser overholdes 1 3 Skorstensfejer Det kan som nævnt være klogt at rådføre sig med den lokale skorstensfejer inden opstilling af ovnen Under alle omstændigheder skal skorstensfejeren underrettes når brændeovnen er opst...

Страница 6: ...l topafgang eller en anden rørbøjning til bagafgang Placering af røgledeplader Røgledepladerne 2 og 3 der er udført i vermiculite er placeret ved modtagelsen Man skal sikre sig at røgledepladerne er korrekt monteret inden en optænding af ovnen finder sted se skitse 3 2 1 1 2 3 Topudgang Bagudgang ...

Страница 7: ...eriale Et ikke brændbart underlag skal dække gulvet mindst 300 mm foran fyrdøren og mindst 150 mm til hver side foran fyråbningen Vær opmærksom på at gulvet skal kunne bære installationen Ligeledes hvis Morsø 5660M ophænges på væg skal man sikre sig at væggen kan bære installationen Kun når ovnen placeres op ad brændbart materiale stilles der krav til afstand Der er følgende afstandskrav Møblering...

Страница 8: ...ended or copied without any written authorization from the company Material Weight kg Model no Drawingtype Location of file Scale Format Released Construction Eksempel på Morsø 5660M modulsystem med bagudgang På flader der er markeret med flueben må der stilles brændbare materialer På flader markeret med et kryds må der ikke stilles brændbare materialer Eksempel på Morsø 5660M modulsystem med topa...

Страница 9: ... vejer et modul med ovnen monteret 195kg mens et løst modul vejer 57kg Hænges ovnen alene op på væggen skal man være opmærksom på at den mindste afstand til undersiden af modulet minimum skal være 300mm fra gulvet hvis gulvet er udført i brændbart materiale Ønskes ovnen monteret med et modul under ovnen skrues de to medfølgende bolte og de fire stilleskruer i soklen som placeres på gulvet der hvor...

Страница 10: ...awing 17 5600 188 a Itemno sø Jernstøberi A S property and must not be sold lended or copied without any written authorization from the company Scale Format Released Construction Herefter løftes modulet forberedt til montering af ovnen på plads Sørg for at de to Ø10 huller ba gerst i modulet er lige over Ø10 hullerne i modulet under Placer de to vedlagte M8x16 bolte i Ø10 hullerne så de går gennem...

Страница 11: ... foran De to beslag nederst på forrammen løsnes så de glider ned og rammer bunden i modulet og spændes fast igen Dette gør at ovnen ikke vipper når døren åbnes Bemærk Ved bagudgang skal kulespærre ikke anvendes SECTION B B SCALE 1 12 3 2 1 S U udv Tegninger This drawing is Morsø Jern Material Weight kg Model no Drawingtype Location of file Date of print 02 03 2018 Date of print 02 03 2018 1 2 3 Ba...

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Страница 14: ...m manglende fuger eller utætheder ved renselem eller røgrør Der er utætte ubenyttede ildsteder tilsluttet skorstenen Røgrør og skorsten er tilstoppet af sod p g a manglende rensning Huset er for tæt se afsnittet Frisklufttilførsel Godt træk fremkommer når Temperaturforskellen i skorstenen og udenfor er stor Altså ved fyring når behovet er størst Det er klart i vejret og der er en god vind Skorsten...

Страница 15: ...ode og fyringsintervaller er afhængig af skorstenstræk vind og vejrforhold varmebehov brændsel m m Derfor kan der gå tid inden De kender ovnens korrekte funktion under de givne forhold Selv om der kan fyres med næsten alle former for træ i Deres Morsø ovn skal man ikke fyremedvådtellerulagrettræ Træbørundertaglagresmindst1åroghelst2årmedfri adgangforvind Træskalkløveshurtigstmuligtefterfældningen ...

Страница 16: ...ørt pindebrænde Optændingsposerne anbringes lige under det øverste lag pindebrænde Det er vigtigt at starte forsigtigt op så forbrændingen lang somt opbygges Dermed minimerer man soddannelse på glasset Soddannelse på glas skyldes ofte for kraftig fyring mod kolde overflader Undgår man soddannelse under optæn dingen og får opbygget et varmt glødelag vil efterfølgende indfyringer have minimal soddan...

Страница 17: ... fortsætte til grundglød Man skal sikre sig at der altid er luft ilt nok til at oprethol de klare og blivende flammer under og efter nedjustering af forbrændingsluften Under den nominelle afprøvning lå påfyld ningsintervallet på 60 70 minutter 9 En ny portion træ kan påfyres på samme måde som angivet i pkt 5 6 Vigtigt Det er vigtigt at den friske træmængde hurtigt begyn der at brænde En hurtig ant...

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Страница 19: ...tning af glas Keramisk glas kan ikke genanvendes fordi det har en højere smeltetemperatur Blandes kera misk glas med almindelig glas ødelægges råvaren og genvindingsprocessen af glas kan stoppe Sørg for at det ildfaste glas ikke havner som almindelig genbrug Det er til stor hjælp for miljøet OBS Skal afleveres som keramisk glas på en genbrugsstation Indvendige støbejernsdele og andre sliddele Verm...

Страница 20: ...rlige fejninger rensning af ovn vurderes af skorstensfejeren efter samråd med Dem Aske Som tidligere beskrevet bør der være ca 1 cm isolerende askelag i bunden af brandkammeret for at opnå en høj forbrændingstemperatur Når askelaget er for tykt fjernes den overskydende del Asken må i de fleste tilfælde bortskaffes med dagrenovationen Da der kan ligge gløder gemt i askeskuffen i flere døgn kan det ...

Страница 21: ...editeret prøvningsinstitut MORSØ S 10 ÅRS PRODUKTGARANTI Bag hver MORSØ brændeovn ligger mere end 160 års erfaring i udviklingsarbejdet samt en grundig kvalitetskontrol foretaget af vore medarbejdere gennem hele produktionsprocessen Derfor giver MORSØ 10 ÅRS GARANTI med hensyn til materiale og fabrikationsfejl Garantiperioden regnes fra salgsdato For at sikre bedst mulig garantibehandling anbefale...

Страница 22: ...22 MORSØ JERNSTØBERI A S DK 7900 NYKØBING MORS E Mail info morsoe com Website www morsoe com Instructions for installation and use 5660M EN 13240 NS 3058 3059 ...

Страница 23: ...your new Morsø stove Morsø the biggest stove company in the Danish mar ket has been making wood burning stoves of the highestqualitysince1853 Justfollowtheinstructions below and we are certain that you will be able to use andenjoyyournewstoveformanyyears Additional accessories Morsø also offers a comprehensive line of floor plates and accessory products that can fa cilitate the safe and efficient ...

Страница 24: ...ections and chimney installation You may want to ask your chimney sweep for advice However you your technical adviser or work man are responsible for complying with the applicable national and local regulations 1 3 Chimney sweep As stated it may be wise to consult your local chimney sweep before installing the stove In any event the chimney sweep must be notified once the wood burning stove has be...

Страница 25: ...nother pipe elbow for rear vent Position of smoke deflector plates On delivery the smoke deflector plates 2 and 3 carried out in vermiculite will have been pre fitted Prior to lighting a fire in the stove the correct fitting of the smoke deflector plates must be verified see sketch 3 2 1 1 2 3 Top vent Rear vent ...

Страница 26: ...00 mm in front of the furnace door and 150 mm to each side in front of the stoke hole Please note that the floor must be of sufficient load capacity for the installation If Morsø 5660M is intended for wall hanging it should likewise be verified whether the wall can take the load of the installation Requirements as to distance will only be relevant in case the stove is to be installed adjacent to f...

Страница 27: ...ld lended or copied without any written authorization from the company Material Weight kg Model no Drawingtype Location of file Scale Format Released Construction An example of Morsø 5660M modular system with rear vent Flammable materials will be allowed on surfaces with a check mark No flammable materials shall be allowed on surfaces marked with a cross An example of Morsø 5660M modular system wi...

Страница 28: weighs 195 kg whereas an empty module weighs 57 kg If only the stove module is mounted you must allow for a minimum distance of 300 mm between the module s subsurface and the floor if the flooring is of a flammable material If the stove is to be installed with a module under the stove the two supplied bolts and the four adjusting screws will be fitted to the base which is then placed on the flo...

Страница 29: ...he upper vertical plate B C Title Drawing no Dim without indication of margin acc to DS ISO 2768 1 m Samling af modul og sokkel Module and socle assembly Morsø 5660M RS Product drawing 61 17 5600 Itemno This drawing is Morsø Jernstøberi A S property and must not be sold lended or copied without any written authorization from t Material Weight kg Model no Drawingtype Location of file Scale Format R...

Страница 30: ...n a little at the front The two fittings at the bottom of the front frame are loosened until they slide down to meet the module bottom then retighten This will prevent the oven from tilting when the door is opened Note With outlet pipe towards the rear the ball locking device is not to be used Rear vent Top vent U udv Tegninger 5600 This drawing is Morsø Jernstø Material Weight kg Model no Drawing...

Страница 31: ...places are connected to the same chimney The wood burning stove must never be connected to a chimney to which a gas burning stove is already connected An efficient modern stove places great demands on the chimney so have a chimney sweep check the condition of your chimney The aperture of the chimney must comply with national and local regulations In general the aperture area should measure at leas...

Страница 32: with National Local Building Regulations or flue manufacturers instructions concerning clear ances to combustible materials such as walls floor joists and ceilings The joint between the stove flue collar and the stovepipe must also be sealed using glass fibre rope It is important that the insulated flue system is properly supported both at ceiling level and at roof level THE STOVE MUST NOT BEAR...

Страница 33: ...wind The chimney is not tall enough with the result that it sits in the lee of the roof surface or tall trees These conditions are also associated with the greatest risk of smoke coming back down the chimney Air is entering the chimney in undesired places e g through cracked joints or leaks in the cleaning door or the flue pipe Unsealed unused fireplaces are connected to the chimney The flue pipe ...

Страница 34: ...her the amount of heat required the fuel etc This means that it may take some time before you get to know the correct functioning of the stove under any given circumstances Although you can fire your Morsø stove with almost all kinds of wood you should not fire with wet wood or unseasoned wood Wood ought to be stored under a roof for at least 1 year and preferably 2 years with free access to wind ...

Страница 35: ... layer of wood Place the firelighters directly under the top layer of kindling sticks This minimizes soot formation on the glass Soot formation on the glass is often caused by too vigorous burning in contact with cold surfaces If you avoid the formation of soot when lighting the fire and build up a layer of hot embers you will have minimal soot formation when getting the fire burning again later 2...

Страница 36: ...e secondary air supply is adjusted to the desired level and the optimum combustion will continue un til only embers are left Make sure that there is always enough air oxygen to main tainclear lastingflameswhen andafter reducingtheamount ofcombustionair Under the nominal test the refill interval was 60 70 min utes 9 A new portion of wood can be added by repeating steps 5 6 Important It is important...

Страница 37: but settle as soot unburned gases in the chimney and stove Extreme conditions such as poor draught in the chimney large quantities of wood or wet wood may in the worst case scenario cause an explosive ignition Whenfiringinthesummerperiod whenthereisminimalneedforheat thecombustion will be poor The stove provides too much heat so the combustion should be reduced But always remember to make sure ...

Страница 38: ...pieces of wood that are so long that they press against the glass window when the door is closed Ceramic glass replacement Ceramic glass cannot be recycled because it has a higher melting point that ordinary glass If ceramic glass is mixed with ordinary glass the raw material is spoiled and the reclaiming process may be halted Take care that the ovenproof glass does not end up among ordinary recyc...

Страница 39: ...giveofftheheat Thebaffleplatemaybetakenoutofthestoveduring normal cleaning Today the chimney sweep in addition to sweeping the chimney and cleaning the flue pipes must take care of removing soot from the stove The chimney sweep will establish the annual number of sweeps and cleanings after having consulted you Ash As noted above there should be a layer of approximately 1 cm insulating ash in the b...

Страница 40: ... it is a legal requirement under England and Wales Building Regulations that the installation of the stove is either carried out under Local Authority Building Control ap proval or is installed by a Competent Person registered with a Government approved Com petent Persons Scheme HETAS Ltd operate such a Scheme and a listing of their Registered Competent Persons can be found on their website at www...

Страница 41: ...into the room in which the stove is fitted in accordance with Approved Document J see also combustion air supply Commissioning and handover Ensure all parts are fitted in accordance with the instructions On completion of the installation allow a suitable period of time for any fire cement and mor tar to dry out before lighting the stove Once the stove is under fire check all seals for sound ness a...

Страница 42: ...weeping after a month of continuous operation This is a precaution to ensure that any softer deposits left from the open fire usage have not been loosened by the higher flue temperatures gener ated by the closed stove Periods of Prolonged Non Use If the stove is to be left unused for a prolonged period of time then it should be given a thorough clean to remove ash and unburned fuel residues To ena...

Страница 43: ...e stove has been supplied by an authorised Morsø dealer Morsø will offer a 10 Year Manufacturers Guarantee against manufacturing defect to any of the main exterior body parts of its stoves Read more about Morsø 10 years guarantee product registration card and REGISTER your new Morsø stove online http international morsoe com warranty registration Spare parts for the 5660 5660M Description Product ...

Страница 44: ...mmer Fyr aldrig over om natten IMPORTANT Howtoheatsafelyfortheenviron mentandyourself Use only dry wood Use only dry max 20 moisture content anduntreatedwood Thefuelmustbesplit and 8 12 cm thick Light Light with dry kindling use 1 2 kg Leave the door ajar and stay close to the stove during the lighting phase Good layer of embers Be certain to have a good layer of em bers before refilling The wood ...
