1. A layer of embers will form rapidly if the stove is lit with
- 4 fire lighters or 7 - 10 rolled up sheets of newspa-
per, underneath roughly 1 kg of dry kindling.
. Fully open the top vent so that the secondary air sup-
ply can enter the firebox.
3. After the paper/fire lighters have caught fire, leave the
fire door ajar about -3 cm, so that the chimney draws
4. After 5-10 minutes the chimney draft should be establis-
hed, at this point close the fire door. If all the necessary
conditions are met, a nice layer of embers will start to
accumulate after another 15 - 0 minutes.
2.1 Lighting and refuelling intervals
A lot of air is needed when first lighting the stove. When starting with a totally cold stove, it
may be helpful to leave the door ajar (-3 cm) during the first few minutes; the secondary air
intake should be fully open. You should build and maintain the ash bed to a thickness of ap-
proximately 1 cm.