32. Solder (3) the connection (2) together using rosin
core solder (1).
33. Center the heat shrink tubing (2) over the solder joint
and heat using a heat gun. Heat the joint until the
tubing is tightly sealed and sealant (1) comes out of
both ends of the tubing.
34. Install the PDC to its original mounting location by
pressing it back into place.
35. Route the remaining supplied body harness (A) to
the body grommet on driver side bulkhead.
36. Cut the end off the dash panel grommet nipple (1)
hanging off the bottom side of the body harness
near the brake booster.
37. Route the backup camera harness through the dash
panel grommet nipple.
38. Apply MoparT RTV 82300234 around the grommet