STRAC2 Hardware Manual
920-0118 Rev B
4.6 Step Smoothing Filter
Command signal smoothing can soften the effect of immediate changes in velocity and direction, making the motion of the motor less
jerky. An added advantage is that it can reduce the wear on mechanical components.
selects this function - ON enables it, OFF
disables it.
This function can cause a small delay in following the control signal, and it should be used with that in mind.
Note: The power must be cycled each time the position of SW11 is changed.
4.7 Self Test
to ON after the drive is powered up, will cause the drive to perform a Self Test move of 2 revolutions both CW and CCW
at .5 rps. Setting SW16 to OFF will disable this feature.
4.8 Step/Direction Mode and CW/CCW Mode Jumper
Most indexers and motion controllers provide motion commands in the “Step and Direction“ format. The Step signal pulses once for
each motor step and the direction signal commands direction. However, a few PLCs use a different type of command signal: one signal
pulses once for each desired step in the clockwise direction (called STEP CW), while a second signal pulses for counterclockwise
motion (STE[ CCW). The STRAC2 drives can accept this type of signal if you remove the drive cover and move jumper J10 from the
“1-2“ position to the “2-3” position CCW mode, the CW signal should be connected to the STEP input an DIR input.
Step & Direcion
Step CW & Step CCW