Move the cursor to the first parameter and
make sure it
is Function channel 1
. Move the cursor to the Second
parameter and change it to Function, move the cursor to
the parameter after the ‘Function’ event name and edit it
to be 05. Move the cursor to the next parameter and
choose the Midi Channel (1 - 16) on which you wish to
advance the Program numbers.
The last parameter is the mode and O for OnOnly is
necessary, this will ensure that no value sent when you
release the button.
Function Event #0D
for creating and resetting start
numbers for this function.
Events #06 #07 - Program Advance B & C
These events are used to send Program Advances on a
second and third Midi Channel. They are identical to the
Program Advance A
described above, except the
Function number parameter following the word
Function will be #6 and #7 respectively. The parameters
are Function channel, Event Type, Function # (06 or 07
in these cases), Midi channel and Mode.
You can assign up to 3 buttons to Function #5 thru #7 to
perform Program Advances on 3 individual midi
Function Event #0D
for creating and resetting start
numbers for this function.
Event #08 - Transpose & Amount On/Off
This event is used to perform the internal transpose,
primarily for an Octave button. The parameters are
Function channel, Event Type, Function # (08 in this
case), Transpose Amount and Mode.
Move the cursor to the first parameter and
make sure it
is Function channel 1
. Move the cursor to the Second
parameter and change it to Function, move the cursor to
the parameter after the ‘Function’ event name and edit it
to be 08. Move the cursor to the next parameter and
choose the amount to transpose, according to the details
: the number is in Hexadecimal - 00 to FF (count
0 to 9, then A to F, total 16). For example
is 12, so
will transpose 12 notes and will give you an octave up,
is 24 notes up and will give 2 octaves up.
You can set this second parameter to produce both up or
down transposes as follows.
Transpose Up.
00 = no effect
01 = 1 half step up
02 = 2 half steps up
03 = 3 half steps up
09 = 9 half steps up
0A = 10 half steps up
0B = 11 half steps up
0C = 12 half steps up (ie 1 octave)
etc. up to 3F (about 5 octaves up)
Transpose Down
40 = no effect
41 = 1 half step down
42 = 2 half steps down
43 = 3 half steps down
49 = 9 half steps down
4A = 10 half steps down
4B = 11 half steps down
4C = 12 half steps down (ie 1 octave)
etc. up to 7F (about 5 octaves down)
The last parameter is the mode and T for toggle is
necessary, this will toggle between 0 and the value you
select, in other words, switch the function On and Off.
Event #09 - Doubling & Interval On/Off
This event is used to perform doubling of the played
note at an interval of your choice. The parameters are
Function channel, Event Type, Function # (09 in this
case), Interval Amount and Mode.
Move the cursor to the first parameter and
make sure it
is Function channel 1
. Move the cursor to the Second
parameter and change it to Function, move the cursor to
the parameter after the Function name and edit it to be
Move the cursor to the next parameter and choose the
interval for the second note. If you leave this as 0
nothing will happen.
: the number is in Hexadecimal - see above for
an explanation.
The last parameter is the mode and T for toggle is
necessary, this will toggle between 0 and the value you
select, in other words, switch the function On and Off.
Event #0A - Auto Volume On/Off
This event is to switch on and off auto volume. This will
activate the sending of the current volume setting
(assuming you have a controller set to controller #7)
after every Program Change on the same midi channel.
This will ensure that all sounds chosen will always be
the volume that you are currently set at, rather than any
pre-programmed volume in the keyboard/synth.
The parameters are the Function channel, Event Type,
Event # (0A in this case), Switch On Value (any number
except 0 to switch the function on) and Mode.