Unlock the Tonearm and verify that it is still in balance. If not, repeat steps 5-8 until
the Tonearm is balanced and the Tracking Force Dial is at 0.
Return the Tonearm to the Tonearm Rest and lock it in place.
Rotate the Counterweight counterclockwise (as seen from the front of the
Turntable) to adjust the Tracking Force to the value recommended by the cartridge
manufacturer. The Audio-Technica® AT-VM95E that comes with the Turntable has a
recommended tracking force of 2.0g ±0.2g. The Tracking Force Dial adds 2.0g per full
turn, so rotate the Counterweight one full turn, until the 0 on the Dial is again in line
with the Center Line on the top of the Tonearm.
Place the Cartridge Protective Cap back on the cartridge to protect the stylus from
Anti-Skating Force Adjustment
The Anti-Skating Force needs to be adjusted to correspond with the Tracking Force, as
Tracking Force
Groove in the Anti-Skating Stub
0.51-1.02 g
5-10 mN
1st from the bearing ring
1.02-1.53 g
10-15 mN
2nd from the bearing ring
1.53-2.04 g
15-20 mN
3rd from the bearing ring
2.04g or more 20mN or more
4th from the bearing ring