Please complete all details
Edit the device name to one of your choice
(This name shows on the map and other screens)
Enter the vehicles registration number
Enter the phone number of the trackers SIM card
Enter the name of the main contact person. (For multiple
vehicles, you can enter the drivers name)
Enter the paired mobile phone number
master user
Important ;
Last item is important.
The tracker needs to know who to send alerts to.
If this is left blank no alerts will be sent to you.
The history screen allows you to select;
or ‘Custom’
(any 24 hour period)
Select a 24 hour period, the screen opposite will appear;
Which tracker is being shown
Date and time
Start and end points
The green trace line is the route taken
Speed at each location
Direction of travel
The control buttons at the bottom allow you to zoom in or
out, play, pause, change progress and change replay speed.
This tracking device will always attempt mobile connection via the 4G network.
If 4G is unavailable, it will automatically attempt to use either the 2G or 3G network whichever is
the strongest signal in the area where the GPS tracker is currently moving. This auto switching can
cause a momentary loss of location data whilst searching for a mobile connection. This can result in
odd short straight lines appearing on the replay of a historical journey. The onboard location
memory function of the tracker can assist in alleviating these straight lines.