2.2. Boiler Room
The boiler room shall meet requirements of the PN-87/B-02411 standard.
Here are some of the most important of them:
fireproof flooring
steel or wooden doors lined with sheet metal, opening outwards
21x21 cm air supply hole in the bottom part of the boiler room
at least 14x14 cm exhaust hole in the upper part of the boiler room
sewage well
Forced ventilation must not be used.
2.3. Boiler Installation
Boiler installation shall be performed by an engineer with appropriate
qualifications and experience (we recommend to seek help in our representative
centres, whose installers have been trained at Moderator Sp. z o.o.). A faulty
installation may cause premature wear of the boiler and threatens fire or may
cause an explosion.
The boiler is delivered in assembled state. Boiler may be positioned
directly on the floor with 1 gradient towards the front wall (the top point of the
boiler after the installation shall be the place close the supply pipe). During
boiler installation, it is necessary to ensure its accessibility in such a way, so that
boiler room walls do not make access to fuel charging, grate cleaning and the
side cleanout of the boiler difficult.
2.4. Connecting to the Chimney
Boiler’s smoke breeching shall be seated directly in the chimney, and
after installation sealed along the contact line of: smoke breeching sheet metal –
chimney brick. Chimney outlet shall be located 75cm above the roof ridge.
Square or rectangular chimneys shall be made of burnt brick; round chimneys
(usually steel ones) shall be insulated over the whole height with at least 5-cm
mineral wool layer.