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Modellbahn Digital Peter Stärz
Dresdener Str. 68 – D-02977 Hoyerswerda –
+49 3571 404027 – www.firma-staerz.de – [email protected]
Accessory decoder
for Selectrix
for 8 turnouts, signals, uncouplers, relays
WDMiba 3
Degree of difficulty:
Required capabilities:
- Easy assembling and soldering of the PCB
The accessory decoder WDMiba is an output device for con-
trolling 8 turnouts, semaphores, light signals, uncouplers or
relays of a Selectrix-controlled model railway layout.
Solenoid based consumers
(additional recovery diodes are
are powered by pulsed current. Light signals are
powered by continuous current. To power accessories with
electric motors the extension kit ESMot has to be populated.
The accessory decoder’s SX bus address and its settings
(pulsed or continuous current) can be configured through SX
bus individually for each of the 8 output channels.
When (re-) powering the Selectrix bus, the accessory decoder
feeds back its last state (position of the turnouts etc.) to the
central unit.) before the system was switched off the last time.
Special features
- Especially for Selectrix
- Further improved reliability by using input comparators at the
SX bus
- Population option for motorized consumers already foreseen
(ESMot) – no additional PCB is required
- Space for series resistors for LEDs already included on PCB
Table of content
Special features ........................................................................... 1
Technical specifications ............................................................... 2
Installation site ............................................................................. 2
Update ......................................................................................... 2
Kit contents .................................................................................. 2
Maintenance and care.................................................................. 2
Accessory and expendabilities ..................................................... 2
Assembly instructions................................................................... 3
Component layout diagram on the PCB .................................... 3
Populated PCB ......................................................................... 3
Description of operation ............................................................... 4
Operating principle of the Accessory Decoder .......................... 4
Bringing into service ................................................................. 4
Connection of solenoid accessory and light signals .................. 4
Output numeration of the Accessory Decoder WDMiba ............ 4
Connection of motorized turnouts ............................................. 5
Parameters and Programming...................................................... 5
Overview of parameters............................................................ 5
Operation mode........................................................................ 5
Timers 1 and 2.......................................................................... 5
Factory default settings............................................................. 5
Programming parameters e.g. with the Control Panel SPF-PIC 6